forbiden love be careful what you wish for (Kol and derek)

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You and your Best friend are sitting in your bed room watching your favorite episode of vampire diaries

"Y/BF/N I really wish I could wake up in the morning laying next to Kol Mickelson and if Derek hale had a daughter it would be me" you said smiling

"Don't we all" she/he replied

Your mum walks in and says "time for bed"

You and your friend nod as you turn the TV off your friend whispers "be careful what you wish for"

The both of you start to crake up as you'd fall asleep

"Wake up Y/N". You heard someone say they sounded like kol

"Nice impression Y/BF/N" you sigh as you pull the pillow over your face

You open your eyes as the pillow gets lifted off you face you scream when you see Kol smirking down at you you close your eyes and open them and he's still there starring at you

"Y/N are you OK did I do something wrong last night" he said while smiling

Something wrong what dose he mean that when you realize he has no shirt on you slowly lift up the blanket and screamed again cause you were only in your bra and underwear

He smirked at You before kissing your forehead and getting up you looked to see that he was only in his jocks what in the world happend you stood up carrying the blanket with you you walked over to the mirror you looked in the mirror to see that Y/H/C was really messy

"Ew kol put some clothes on" you heard some one say it was a girl

The girl gasps and said "were you with Y/N again Klaus will kill you .... That's Derek's Daughter"

"I know"

You sat on the bed your wish came true you were with kol and you were Derek's daughter you smiled and went to walk down stairs but you had no clothes you looked around the room bingo you found you clothes you walked over and put your clothes on before walking down the stairs

Once at the bottom of the stair kol smile and used vampire speed to get to you then placed his lips on yours his lips were soft and warm just like you imagined them you pulled back

"Get dressed" you giggled

You smiled at rebakah then you heard a knock on the door rebakah walked over and opens the door


You heard him sigh "is my daughter here"

........ To be continued

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