Chapter Twenty-Five

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Dedicated to: @nicolepayne19

I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift


Louis' P.O.V.

"What do you mean, she's gone?" Niall asked.

"She packed up her stuff and left. I have no idea where she is."

More tears were forming in my eyes. Zayn and Niall comforted me while Liam and Harry called some people. There was a knock on the door. Danielle and Perrie came in.

"We came as fast as we could. Tell us what happened."

"Well, I came in, and I couldn't find Eleanor. I looked all around the flat. Then, when I checked her room, there was a note and a magazine."

"Can we see them?"

I handed Danielle the note and magazine. She read both.

"Louis? Did you really kiss Hannah?"

"No! That brat kissed me! I did not kiss back, and I never would!"

"Okay, good!"

"So what about Eleanor?"

"Well, hold on. We need to look for clues to where she is. Check the phone records."

I picked up the phone. I looked at the call history.

"There's a call to London Airport Service. She went to the airport."

"She probably flew back to Manchester."

"Thanks Dani!  And thank you too, Perrie. Now I need to book a flight to Manchester!"

I opened my laptop and went to the Heathrow Airport website. The next flight to Manchester was in an hour. Perfect. I ran to my room and packed some clothes, just in case. I grabbed my phone and laptop and put them in my bag. I called London Airport Services.

"I'll see you tomorrow boys, and hopefully I'll bring someone else back!"

"Good luck, mate!" Liam said.


When I arrived at the airport, I went inside and ran to security. My bag got checked. After that I stopped at Starbucks and grabbed a coffee. I was in disguise, so thankfully, there were no fans.

"Flight 491 is now boarding to Manchester."

I walked to the terminal and got on the plane. My seat was next to a girl who look about my age.

"Hello!" she said.

"Hi, I'm Louis," I said.

"Oh, that's funny! That's the name of my favorite member of a band!"

"Would that band happen to be One Direction?"

"Yeah, why?"

I took off my sunglasses.


"Please don't freak out!"

She laughed. "I wasn't going to. I'm Courtney, by the way."

"Nice to meet you Courtney."

"It's nice to meet you too, Louis."

"So, why are you headed to Manchester?"

"I'm going to visit my friend. What about you?"

"Oh, I'm trying to settle some problems."

"What problems?"

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