Chapter 2: Defiance

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A/N: Sorry for the swearing, but I think it's necessary because it makes what they are saying more emotional and realistic! And Tris calls him Tobias in my story, but when she recalls memories she calls him Four because that's how she knew him then. :)

"She fucking ruined EVERYTHING!" I hear David scream.

I don't move an inch, not a muscle. I had been breathing the tiniest bit from my open mouth, but now I stopped. I can feel his cold, hard, eyes on me, detesting the Dauntless and Abnegation he knows very well I have, that got me to punch in the password while defying the death serum. He has to know that my Abnegation has always been my weakness- he's been watching me my entire life, and he put my mom in the experiment; giving me undamaged genes. I can feel the self-loathing he has for himself right now, because this time the Abnegation within me wasn't my weakness- it was his.

I remember one of my first days in Dauntless, when Four threw knives at my head, since I couldn't stand to watch Al do it. At first, I thought that was the Dauntless in me, being brave enough to have knives thrown at my head. Then, I thought I was the selflessness, the Abnegation in me. But then Tobias taught me something, his theory that selflessness and bravery aren't all that different. I remember standing there, my head right below the target- maybe for once it was a good thing I am 5'2! The whole time, Four was "condescending." He asked me "You about done Stiff?" He told me, "Come on Stiff, let someone else stand up there and take it." And then he nicked my ear on purpose.

I confronted him after, and he told me to thank him! I remember saying to myself, what a jackass. I told him he stabbed me, and taunted me, so it would make no sense to thank him. I remember clearly, him saying, "You know, I'm getting a little tired of waiting for you to catch on!" At the time, I didn't know what he meant. Later, I realized that he nicked my ear on purpose, otherwise Eric would know he was missing on purpose. He was protecting his liking towards me, and protecting me. But I never thought about why he said all those things to me.

He said them because he knew Abnegation wasn't just my weakness, my soft spot. I thought he wanted to push me until I broke, and that's why he said that, but I think when he told me that he wasn't referring to the knife throwing. He was referring to everything else. Four told me all those things while he was throwing the knifes because he saw right through me. He knew Abnegation had the potential to be my kryptonite, but he also knew it was what was keeping me going. Four was egging me on, telling me I couldn't do it because he knew I could, because he knew if he kept telling me that I couldn't do something, I would make sure as hell that I would do it. He pretended being a Stiff was a bad thing, something that would make me quit- but instead, knowing how Abnegations worked, he made it something that kept me going. I understand it now. He knew who I was, he saw right through me. He saw the trait that I have from by Abnegation background and Dauntless reality, my defiance. I was, and am defiant.

Tobias gets me like nobody else in the world. I love him so much, and I am going to be defiant. Tobias brought that out of me, and now, I'm going to use it to see him again.

A/N: OMG ok I kept making references to quotes from the books!! I am really excited about this chapter; I love writing scenes where characters are reminiscing, but this was also a big Fourtris chapter!!!!

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