Ch1 Back to school

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      Ginny's p.o.v
     "Ginny! We are going to go to kings cross station in a few minutes!" Mom called up to me. I packed up the last of my things and took my stuff downstairs. It was Ron's last year at Hogwarts along with Harry and Hermione. They were trying to find horcruxes to kill He-who-must-not-be-named. I am hoping that they kill all of them so he can finally rest for a year. It has been torture for him. I have a sense this year is going to be bad and I am really worried. I grab the flu powder and go to the fireplace.
     "Kings cross station!" I say. I am now at kings cross station and have all of my supplies.
     "Bye Ginny!" Mom says as I run through the wall. I sadly don't see Harry, Ron, and Hermione. For all I know they could be dead by now. Voldemort could have found them. I get trapped in my thoughts until I hear Neville babbling to me.
     "Ginny! Are you even listening?" Neville shouted.
     "Sorry Neville, I just have a lot on my mind. What were you saying?" Ginny asked.
     "Gin, are you ok?" Neville asked being concerned.
     "It's j-just Harry." I stutter as someone grabs my shoulder. It was Dean Thomas, my boyfriend.
     "Hey Ginny, haven't seen you in a while!"
     "Oh hey Dean." I sighed. The magic was gone between us, I just didn't feel it anymore. I used to love Dean, but ever since the beginning of last year he is being a big jerk. I also don't like how he always makes fun of Harry. He is one of my best friends.
     "Are you still upset about "the boy who lived" he said sarcastically.
     "Shut- " I could not finish he started kissing me. I pushed him away aggressively.
     "GET OFF OF ME!!" I yelled.
      "I'm your boyfriend." What's the matter?
     "I'm sorry, I-I don't think it's working out anymore." I say.
     "W-what do you mean?" Dean asked with tears in his eyes.
      "I don't want this anymore." I reply.
     "Ginny wait!" Dean yelled.
     "Save it, just leave me alone." I sneered. I then walked into a compartment with Neville and sat down. I know I shouldn't have been that mean. I feel kind of bad, but I know this sounds crazy I think I like Harry. I get this crazy feeling he likes me too. I don't know why or how but I can just tell. I wanna tell him but it might be too late now.
Neville's p.o.v
     "Hey Gin, you ok? I know that must have been hard for you to do." I stated.
     "Thanks, it was not really that hard. I think I like someone else." She exclaimed.
     "Who is it, Gin?" I asked excitedly.
     "I think I like Harry. Please don't tell anyone." She asked desperately.
     "Don't worry you can count on me." I replied. I was so excited to finally hear that she liked Harry! He is going to be so excited. He has liked her since the day they first met. I think it could definitely work out between them! I forgot that Ginny told me I couldn't tell anyone though, that got me a little upset because Harry would be really excited to hear this. Maybe I should tell her that Harry likes her, I mean no harm,right?
"Gin, I have something to tell you." I said with a nervous look on my face. I knew it was wrong but I think it is for the best.
     "Yes Neville?" She asked a little concerned. I tried to utter the words out of my mouth but it was a lot harder than I thought.
     "H-Harry likes you too." I stuttered.
     "Really? That's great!" She exclaimed. She blushed a little and but her lip. "How long has he liked me?" She asked hoping that it hadn't been to long.
     Actually, since the day you met he told me a few years ago but told me to keep it a secret. She slapped me square across the face. My face was burning and had a slight shade of red in it.
     "OW!" I yelled with an excruciating pain across my face. "Why did you do that?" I asked with astonishment.
     "I don't know Neville why didn't you tell me about Harry?" Ginny asked very annoyed.
     "Why does it matter, you have only liked him for like 5 minutes!" I yelled still being a little upset with her actions.
     "Yeah that was a lie." She mumbled. I actually have liked him since like our fifth year. She bit her lip again.
     "Ginny, why didn't you tell me?" I asked a little disappointed in her.
     "Because I-I didn't want Dean to find out." She said with tears in her eyes.
     "I'm sorry Gin, you ok?" I said as I heard footsteps coming towards me and Ginny and into the compartment of the train.
     "What did you not want me to find out, Ginny?" Dean asked hesitantly. Tears started to run down Ginny's face and I got pissed. Ginny was my best friend and I hated how he treated her, when they were together he treated her like absolute rubbish. Ginny stood up, pushed through him, and went out of the compartment. She ran down the hallway with tears streaming down her face.
     "Dean she said she doesn't want to see you, just leave her alone." I stated angrily.
     "What's it to you Neville?" He asked sarcastically with his stupid annoying voice.
     "SHUT UP!" I yelled. I pushed through him as he fell to the ground and I ran after Ginny. I hate Dean so much I just never wanted to tell Ginny because she always seemed to love him, but I guess she didn't. He always seemed to hurt her a little, they were always fighting too. That little bastard if he ever hurts her he is going to be in for a long ride with me.

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