The battle part 2

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     Ginny's p.o.v
    Voldemort walks right towards me and ends up only inches away. I keep
My eyes closed hoping that he won't notice me.
     "So, Ginny Weasley. I see you have come to meet me, again. Now the question is, how did you come back to life?" Voldemort asks in a whisper. "Was the spell not powerful enough?"
     "I came back because I loved Harry to much to die. Love is more powerful than death. But you wouldn't know that because your the dark lord." I replied. He takes quite a few steps closer.
     "Love is more powerful than death?" Him and the death eaters start laughing.
     "You wouldn't get it, your parents never loved you. You would not know what it feels like to be loved!" I yell. He gets an angry face on and lifts up his wand.
     "WAIT!" I see my mom come from the castle. "Don't touch my daughter you bastard!" She yells. I run and hug her. A lot more people arrive, everyone who was still alive, at least. This was the second battle and I was ready to fight.
     I get my and out and point it at a ton of death eaters all in a little bunch.
     "AVADA KEDAVRA!" I yell and it hits Voldemort. Nothing happens! How could this be possible?!?! I think to myself. I remember Harry saying something about the last horcrux. That's right, it was the snake! He was right by Voldemort, I would need a distraction.
     "Luna!" I yell. She turns back and hugs me.
    "Hey, what's the matter?" She asks.
     "I need you to do something."I say.
     "And what might that be?" She questions.
     "I am going to distract Voldemort, can you please take this sword and kill the snake?" I ask her.
     "Yes! I will be back." Luna says and she was off. Now it is time for the distraction. I go infromt of him and start to shoot some spells.
     "Expelliarmus!" I yell and his wand falls out of his hand.
     "Oh so you wanna play that game?" He yells. He shoots green light out of his wand. But this one it wasn't avada kedavra, it was the most painful curse of them all, crucio.
     "CRUCIO!" He screams and I fa on the floor, looking as if I am having a seizure.
     "AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" I scream. "STOP IT, STOP!!!" I scream again. He laughs and it keeps happening. There was excruciating pain on my arm. I looked at it and it read: blood traitor. I start to cry. When I get up I notice that he is gone. CRAP! I think to myself. I get up and fight off the pain. I start to run through the grass by the black lake and I ended up in he forbidden forest. I see Luna trying to kill the snake. It tries to bite her and I hear a scream.
     "AAAAAAAH!" I hear Luna scream. The snake but her with its poisonous venom. The sword fell out of her hand and she lay on the ground with a mixture of venom and blood coming out of her arm.
"HELP, PLEASE, HELP!!!" I yell. No one comes so I drop the sword and drag Luna to the castle. I finally get to the hospital wing.
"Mrs pomfrey! I need your help! The snake but Luna!" I yell. "Please, can you do something?" I cry.
"Yes, hand her over. I will do everything I can." She tells me. Before I leave she pats me back. "Good luck." She says. I smile at her and start to run out of the castle. I run to the forbidden forest and look for the sword the last place I kept it. I look everywhere but I could not find it. After a few minutes I see it reappear by the bushes. I take it but as soon as I reach for it I notice someone else reaching for it too. It was none other than Voldemort.
"What are you doing, stupid girl?" He whispers in his harsh voice.
"Getting MY sword." I reply to him.
"No, because you are going to use it to kill MY snake." He yells now. I soon grab it out of his hands giving him a big cut on his hand. I start to run away as he says the death curse. I dodge it leaving me face first to the ground. I am getting closer to the castle where more of the battle is going on. I see Nagini, the snake, up ahead outside by the castle. After a lot of running, I finally reach my destination. Nagini tries to bite me but I dodge that too. I finally get a good enough angle where I can cut right around he surface of his neck. I slice it and soon enough he falls to the ground in 2 pieces.
"AAAAAAAAAH!!!" I hear Voldemort scream. I see him limp closer while raising his wand at me. His head looks cracked in all different ways and I knew this was the end. But not for me, for him. I soon yell the curse I never thought I would say in my life.
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" I yell. His body falls on the floor as he disintegrates, leaving me the only person outside. It's over, I thought to myself, it's finally over. I feel something tap my shoulder, but this time was real, it wasn't a ghost, or a figment of my imagination, it was real. I look back to see the one person I never thought I would see again, my one and only, Harry Potter.

This is our foreverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz