Ch8 The end?

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     I drop the red, shiny resurrection stone on the ground and start to walk very slowly to my destination. All of the memories of me and Harry just couldn't stop going through my mind.
Flashback:  you must be Harry Potter! I explain from across the train station. He waved back to me and gave me a cute little smile the smile I will never forget.
     Just me thinking about him and his beautiful smile made me feel better already. It all just happened so quick. I know what I have to do for Harry. I take steps closer to him.
     "Well, well. Ginny Weasley just the girl I was hoping to see."
     "You will never get away with this!" I yell to him.
     "You will see!" He says and he takes his wand out and intake my wand out.
     "AVADA KEDAVRA!" We both yell at the same time and the curse rebounds off of me and hits Voldemort square in the face. All of the death eaters look really pissed off and I knew I had to go tell the others it wasn't over. Just Voldemort was over. I run all the way back to the castle while getting spells cast at me the whole way. I soon am safe inside the castle. The first place I go to is the hospital wing. Almost everyone is there. Hermione: petrified, Ron: arm, and many others too. A lot had died but the only ones who weren't in the hospital wing were me and Luna. Lavender had just died by one of the death eaters when they were aiming at me, it accidentally hit her. I try to find Luna but I can't find her anywhere. I soon see her hiding in the secret passageway to Dumbledores office. I walk in there and she hugs me.
     "Your alive!" She says wit excitement.
     "Yes! But it is not over the death eaters are planning a rebellion.We need every one of them all dead. It is up to you and me, Luna. Are you in?" I  question waiting for her to agree.
     "Yes, I'm in!" She agrees and we split our ways. I take one side of the castle and she takes the other. I take slow steps into the potions classroom where Snapes body still lies. But I didn't have time to pay attention to that before I saw a flash of hot, green light. It went directly to me and I dropped on the floor, blood dripping everywhere. No one saw me until Luna came back a few minutes later to check on how I was doing. She took me to the hospital wing.
     "Please, you have to fight the rest for me, Luna." I ask. She agrees and I fall into a deep sleep wondering if I will ever wake up again.

Hey guys! I know it is short but that is becasue my internet is being stupid lol. Sorry but please comment and vote! Love you guys!~Sunnysweetheart❤️

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