Ch2 Arriving at hogwarts

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     Ginny's p.o.v
     I ran down the hallway of the train with a stream of tears running down my face. Everyone just stared at me through there compartment windows, but I didn't even care anymore. The only one person I care about is Harry and I know Dean is going to try and sabotage this every way he can possibly think of, but this is not the time. The war was going to start soon and there was no time to possibly think about boys, Dean, or whoever else. I know I am trying to leave this stuff behind me and in the past right now but I need to make sure Harry is alright. I only wish that I could see him again. We finally got to Hogwarts and the first thing I did was go to the common room to get unpacked. I unpack all of my clothes and pick out an outfit for today. I wear a blue top, with navy blue jeans, and white sneakers. I grab my purse and decide to go to the great hall. I try to find Neville to apologize for walking out on him on the train before, I just can't deal with Dean right now. I do not see Neville anywhere but I see Luna sitting alone at one of the tables. I decide to take a seat by her whilst grabbing a snack.
Hey Ginny! How was your summer? Luna asked.
Good, what did you do? I asked her eager to know if she came in contact with Harry, Ron, or Hermione.
I actually got captured by the malfoys, it was quite an adventure actually. I saw Harry and Ron not much of Hermione though.
Are they ok, do you know? I asked a little concerned.
Well the last I heard they were going to Gringotts to go fetch a cup from Bellatrix's vault. Rumor has it, it may be a horcrux. Luna whispers so no one else can hear.
"That's Great Ne-" I got cut of by the voice of Neville coming from the painting of Dumbledores sister.
We have visitors everyone! Neville yelled enough so all the wizards and witches in the great hall could hear him. I soon saw the three faces I thought I may never see again. There stood Harry, Ron, and Hermione, the golden trio. Everyone was so eager to know what happened during there hunt and the good part was they were ready to tell us about all of it, but first there was something else they needed to address. But before they can even get one word out I run up to Harry and hug him. He hugs me back and it almost sounds as if he was sobbing.
I missed you, Ginny. Harry cried out to me. He says this with his wide puppy eyes and nice voice. I love him so much, of course I couldn't say that to him, but it was nice to remind myself every once in a while.
I missed you too, Harry. I exclaimed. I hugged him even tighter and a tear rolled down my cheek. We both let go and I walked back by Luna.
You really love him don't you? Lina asked with a lot of excitement in her voice.
"Yes, I think I do!" I exclaimed. "But there is no time to think about boys right now, because all I am thinking about is keeping the Golden Trio safe, especially Harry." I explained to Luna.
Well I am glad you are trying to keep Harry safe. I think it is great that you like him and I know he likes you too. Luna exclaimed.
A lot pf people have been saying that recently. I tell her as Harry starts to speak.
Alright everyone had to listen up because this is very important. There is one of the horcruxes located in Hogwarts. Does anyone have any idea where they could be? Harry asks with his kind generous voice. Soon enough Luna raises her hand. Everyone thinks she always has some wacky ideas and they always think she is crazy but she is usually always right. I hope she has a good idea of where to find this thing because I just want this to be over with already.
Have you heard about Rowena Ravenclaws diatom? Luna asked in her high squeaky voice.
Luna, this isn't time for your silly shenanigans. Dean sneered and then laughed.
Dean Thomas, I am being serious! She yelled in anger.
Dean, this might actually be helpful. Harry said with anger in his eyes. "Now Luna what were you saying?" He asked quite nicely.
Well it's the lost diatom and it belonged to Rowena Ravenclaw. It would probably be a horcrux.
Thank you, Luna. Does anyone else have any other ideas? He asked hoping that he wouldn't have to go looking for the Diatom. We all head to the feast after all of the chit chatter about you-know-who.
If any one has seen Harry Potter tonight, confess now. Snape says with a very serious voice. He looks t me as if he knows I have seen him. He keeps staring at me but I will not confess. I know if he found out I was lying I could be in some serious danger as well as all the others and I wanted to keep everyone safe, especially Harry so I couldn't make a single peep. I soon hear foot steps walking in very hastily. It's Harry, I don't know what the bloody hell he was doing but I needed to stop this. I dart I front of him as well as Hannah Abott, Cho Chang, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville and much more a long with some slytherins. I was infringe taking the lead as Snape was pointing his wand directly at me. I could feel my heart beating in my chest and my whole body trembling. But Harry was rubbing his hand on my back which made me feel much better. Soon a loud whisper sounded.
"Bring me the boy tonight and you will be rewarded. If he tries to hide anymore I will kill anyone or anything that tries to stand in my way."
We could only all recognize this voice as the one and only :Voldemort

Hey guys! So this is my new story so far, I hope you guys liked it! Please give me some ideas for the next parts of my story and I will mention you in my next chapter! Also thank you so much for many of the people who voted and helped with my story A bad romance.

You guys are awesome and my story wouldn't have gotten this far if it weren't for you guys! Thanks you so much! ~Sunnysweetheart❤️

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