Ch7 The hunt

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Ginny's p.o.v. The hunt was finally on. I knew that even if I did die, I would die making Harry happy. That was all I really wanted for him.
First, I went to go look for him in the castle while Luna took one side of the castle and Neville looked on the on the outside. I looked in the room of requirement first and I saw Bellatrix. My mom was there too along with my dad. Bellatrix saw me right away and laughed. She pointed her wand at me when my mother stared to scream.
"NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!" She screamed. They got into a tiny duel until my mom, also known as my hero, killed her. She told me to run away and I did exactly that. I ran out of the room of requirement and then I heard a strange voice. It seemed to be coming from inside my head until I realized it wasn't my voice. It was Voldemorts.
"Harry has sent you to kill me I see. But don't worry, Ginny, I am watching your every move. I hear you walking I'm coming closer, now I'm closer, and I've got you!"
I fell something touch my back and I start to scream. I notice that it was just Luna.
"Did I scare you, Ginny?" She asked with her airy voice.
"I-I heard his voice." I whisper. He said he was coming for me. I start to sob.
"No where is safe anymore, we have to go find Neville, we'll come on then!" She yells.
Neville's p.o.v
I am outside guarding the castle while Ginny and Luna are inside. I know they could be dead at any second but I just needed to keep fighting. I turn the corner of the castle very slowly and see Voldemort trying to kill Lavender Brown. I can't let this happen. I jump infront of the spell blocking Lavender from it. I hear her start to sob.
"Just please, find Ginny and Luna." I say to her as my last words. That was the end. Only 3 teens remaining. Not even Harry survived this war and that's who we are fighting for.
Ginny's p.o.v
As me and Luna are on the hunt to find Neville and Voldemort we see a brown curly haired girl running. Towards us sobbing.
"Guys! Neville took the spell for me, h-he's dead. He told me to find you gust and make sure you were ok!"
"OMG NO!! T-That means we are the only kids left. Come on guys we can do this!" Luna yells and we stay together this time. Now we can all hear the voice even the professors.
"Bring me Ginny Weasley tonight in the forbidden forest, you all will be rewarded. I will do the same thing I did with Harry. If I don't see her tonight I will kill everyone that try's to save her."
I soon run from this voice and they start to follow me. I run all the way to the forbidden forest before I tell them that they have to go. I run into the dreary forest knowing this is the end.
"Wait!" I yell to Lavender and Luna. "I love you guys so much!" I give them a hug and with that they say I love you back and leave. I see Luna hide behind a tree, her thinking that I don't notice her. I soon see a shiny red stone sparkling from the grass. I pick it up and realize that this was the resurrection stone that Harry used to see his loved ones again. I pick it up
Not knowing what will show. I haven't really lost any loved ones I thought. Then I remember what Harry said. "Forever." I open the resurrection rock and see Harry.
"I said forever and I ment it Ginny Weasley. You are my one and only and this is our story. Ginny Weasley, i love you so much and I know this is coming from a ghost but this is our forever. I am always with you in your heart."
"This is our forever!" I say back to him. I run to Harry and give him a hug but he disappears. I realized soon enough that this was just my imagination. He wasn't really there.

Hey guys! I hoped you like that chapter. I made this one a little sad but I still hope it's good and you like it! Remember comment and vote. Love you guys!~Sunnysweetheart❤️

This is our foreverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz