Chapter 3: Competition?

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Later at school, Ayano was looking around for her love. She hadn't noticed him last year so he must either be new to the school and/or a class lower than her or a class higher than her.

Ohh how she hoped the first was correct, then they could be together all year.

She continued to look but still could not find him. It was harder then she had thought it would be as she didn't know his name so she couldn't ask the other students where he could be.

She kept looking. He wasn't in any of the clubs, he wasn't in any classrooms helping any of the teachers, he wasn't on the roof, he didn't seem to be anywhere.

Finally Ayano gave up looking and headed down to the courtyard, maybe one of the boys there will know where he could be.

She walked in through the side doors and there he was!! Quickly she ducked behind a tree, poking her head out to watch. He must have been later than even her as he was just getting here. Perhaps he had to make a stop on the way orrrr....... HE WAS WALKING IN WITH A GIRL!! They were walking together and arguing over something.

"I was not waiting for you!!" the girl yelled "I was just late too!!"

"I recognise that voice!" Thought Ayano angrily "That's Osana Najimi, she was in my class last year!"

"Whatever!" Yelled Osana angrily, turning and storming away.

Ayano was torn, stay here and attempt contact with her love or follow Osana and figure out if she was a threat to their relationship. It was a hard choice but eventually Ayano decided to follow Osana, figuring it would be easier to get him to love her if she were sure that there was no competition. So she got up and ran after Osana.

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