Chapter 22: Party Invites

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The school bell rang and Saki and Ayano parted ways. Ayano looked out for Kokona. Her and Saki might not have first period together but her and Kokona did.

She didn't find Kokona until she got to class where Kokona and Ayano decided to sit together.

"Psst, Yan-chan!" Kokona whispered to Ayano, turning to face her "did I tell you about my party yet?"

"Your party?"

"Yeah, I'm having a party tomorrow, on the PD day. You're invited, if you want to come."


"Yeah, sure. I'd understand if you have to ask your parents first though."

"Nah, they're away for a bit, I'd love to go!"

"Awesome! It's from one 'til five, and if you could bring some food it'd be great!"

"Okay, I'll be there"

Kokona nodded and quickly turned back to her work as it seemed the teacher was walking in their direction. It was a false alarm though and the two continued to work.


The school bell rang.

"Finally! Lunchtime!" Ayano exclaimed "I'm starving!"

She headed to the roof and searched for Saki and Kokona whom she had promised to eat with (not like she had anything else to do anyway).

She finally saw them in the farmost corner, sitting on the bench together.

Who's that with them? Ayano thought to herself

She ran over to them.

Senpaiiii! He's talking to Kokona again!!

"Hey! Yan-chan!" Kokona yelled, noticing Ayano standing by herself. "We're over here!" she waved.

"Oh hey!" Ayano ran over to sit with them. "Hello Yamada-san, I didn't know you were eating with us today." she smiled politely.

"Hey, you know you can just call me Taro right?"

"Okay." Ayano blushed. "Hey, Taro. I didn't know you were eating with us today."

"Yeah, well Osana-chan's sick today so Kokona said I could hang out with you guys. She was actually just telling me about her party tomorrow."

"Yeah" Kokona popped in. "I'm trying to convince him to go. He keeps making up excuses!"

"Well I just don't know if I can make it. Even if I did go, I'd probably end up sitting alone."

"You wouldn't! Saki and Ayano already said they'd go. You could hang out with them."

"Yeah" Ayano interjected, "I'll only have Saki and Kokona to hang out with if you don't go, and they'll probably be busy anyway. After all, Kokona's the hostess and Saki's her best friend so they'll have to greet and chat with a bunch of different people, leaving me all alone. Plus they're just more popular than me."

"I guess.." Taro said, reluctantly "If you guys all want me to go so badly"

"Yayy!!" Kokona squealed "You won't regret it, it's going to be the best party ever!"

Hmm, Ayano thought to herself, maybe Kokona's little crush can be helpful after all.

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