Chapter 11: Business District Battle

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I went to the front of the school to get my bike and pedaled to the business district. I went inside Yoshida industries and looked at the map of the building on the wall. There were several guards protecting every entrance besides the front door to the lobby, which I wasted no time leaving out of. The president's office was the whole top floor. The building wasn't very wide because this was only half of the two building corporate office. I made my way to the alley and noticed that it was guarded too. Poor guys, when the dancers made their way here they would be fired or massacred. So I came up with a plan. 

I went inside the building next to it which was left unguarded and went onto the roof. This building was a bit shorter, but could still see guards on the roof of Yoshida Industries. I had to get inside the building without any of the guards noticing. The alley was not very wide but it was still a long jump for me. I stretched out. Whats the worst thing that could happen? Fall from a seven story building. Haha, I even sounded crazy to myself. My plan was to jump across land on a windowsill open the window and get in. It sounded good in my head at least.

I went to the far side of the building I was on and prepared to jump. I made sure the taser was secured and ran. I ran as fast as I could and jumped as far as I could. I knew I could not hesitate before the jump or I would never make it. I clung onto a windowsill in terrified amazement. I couldn't believe I made it. I climbed up to the top floor, opened the window and slipped in. He wasn't at his desk when I came in. I heard a toilet flush and quickly found a closet to hide in. When I heard him come out of the bathroom I peeked at him through the tiny crack of the closet door. He was dressed in an expensive suit so it would seem the business was doing well. He mumbled something and shut the window. Oops I forgot to close it. I noticed the sun was setting and knew the girls would get here in any moment. I tightened my grip on the taser.

I watched the windows knowing that would be how they got in. I took my book-bag off and waited. Forty-five minutes later, I saw a dark figure land on one of the windows. I gripped my taser and felt my adrenaline rush. I had to wait until they got in here to erupt from the closet or I would be in just as much trouble. The window opened and I saw Coach Haruna step inside. She carried a clean stainless steel knife and it seemed she came alone. Where were the other girls? I had no time to worry about them. Coach twirled closer to him so silently I wouldn't believe she was there if I didn't see her. She began to approach him doing a creepy Maiko dance.

I got out of the closet and ran for her not so quietly or graceful, preparing my taser. She looked at me for one second and quickly tried to stab me. I ducked mostly out of fear and delivered a shock through her leg. She fell to the ground shaking. The president seemed to just notice what was going on and began running for the door. I quickly ran over and grabbed him.

"You can't call the guards. Lots of innocent people will suffer, believe it or not the people coming to kill you are innocent." I let him go. He was about to shout and my taser went off on him without thinking. I really hoped I would have enough power for the whole dance squad. I locked the office door and dragged him into my former hiding place, known as the closet, and closed the door. If I hadn't turned around in the next second, I wouldn't have noticed Rin pick up the knife, and run for me. My legs didn't move till the last second while her knife hit the closet door. I spun on my heels toward her and let my taser fire. She fell to the ground body jumping. 

I didn't notice that another girl had come in with Rin and ran towards me. I recognized her as Amy, who was the one I tackled in the alley. I saw her bloodthirsty look and ran. We were running circles in the office until I decided I needed to attack. We were about to run passed the desk again, but I stopped running and threw a stapler at her head. It seemed to stun her. So I tased her.

I was feeling pretty good about my performance yet overdosed on adrenaline. I figured I should hide them so the next girls wouldn't attack them. If they were cured the other dancers might think they were enemies. I didn't understand why the girls didn't all come at once, but I did understand it was better for me that they were. I hid them in the bathroom and closed the door just as three more girls were coming in through the windows.

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