Rafe The Great

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My laptop was nestled in my lap, as I typed furiously. Finally loading up the search engine, I typed the famaliar name down.

                   May Evers 

                                                          I pressed 'Enter' watching as it loaded, slowly. I sighed, aggitated. I knew that name from somewhere, and it... was only a matter of time before they all knew. It was best that I found out first and did something to help her. Because she was completely right. It was unjust the way Chase treated everyone like garbage. So, this was my way of helping.

                          The search results popped up, and I smiled. Okay then-

                                    I like big buts and I cannot lie- I flinched. My phone was ringing. Did someone seriously set my ringtone to that? Ugh. I got up, slowly, stretching my muscles, and cracking my back, before reaching over to the night stand and getting it.


                       "Damage Control. Come as fast as you can. Zach's house. This little May girl is seriously bothering me." I groaned, hanging up.


                     "This is petty." Ado argued on, "And completely stupid. She's just a commoner with an additude. We've dealt with our fair share of those before. I'll admit the whole slapping thing is just a little too far. But this is completely stupid. Just let it go, Chase."

                            "No!" Chase snapped vehemently, chucking his glass of water across the room with a smash. "I will fucking not! No one messes with my friends- ever." Zach was in the corner of the room, with Gabe holding a small bag of peas to his face. You don't like the fact she's messing with your friends? Or more like your little perfect world.

                     I didn't say anything, just stared straight ahead. Another one of Chase's tantrums never meant anything good. Usually he did drastic things. But I was afraid it was about to get worse. A whole lot worse.

                          Chase's face turned red, turning towards me, he challenged me to say anything with a lift of one eyebrow. If looks could kill, his steely gaze would have sufficed for a nice death.

                        "You. I want you to find everything about May Evers that we need to know. If she wants to destroy our home lives, we'll destroy hers." Nows the time to shine, Rafe. Tell the big caveman, "No!" My thoughts argued endlessly with one another. Should I? How could I sit here and let him-

                               "No. I must say this is too far, Chase." I swallowed. "Destroying her family will do us no good... Uhm.. How about you just destroy her social life."  Chase looked stricken.

                          "She's already a social pariah for god's sake. How else am I supposed to destroy her?" He snapped, fingers dancing on the leather arm of the chair he occupied.

             Then, as if just remembering something, he snapped back from his thoughts. His entire composure changed, and he sat up straighter, adjusting his shirt. "Well, I guess I forgot my secret weapon." He says with a sly smile, "I forgot our dear Dev." Then, as if everything were fixed, he immediately relaxed. "Well, boys. Looks like the fun as just begun!"


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