Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

            “Yes, I would like the steak, medium, and mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese on the side; thanks,” I handed the guy the menu.

            “And what would you like, bro,” the guy asked Alex, who was sitting next to me.

            “The same as her,’ Alex nodded, giving him the menu also.

            “Sure can do,” the guy nodded. “Oh, and she’s a keeper, hope she’s a good entertainer.”

            I gave the waiter a dirty look, about to slap him across the face, but I didn’t because I’m just that nice, and since Alex put his left hand on my thigh, making me be seated. I could tell he also wanted to slap him.

            “Thanks, now go make our food ready,” Robert said, waving him off.

            The waiter left, sending Alex a wink, making Alex’s grip on my thigh tighter, also making me feel uncomfortable.

            “Alex, calm down, he was trying to get you mad, just calm down,” I told Alex, putting my hand on his shoulder, hoping he would calm down. 

            “Fine,” he grumbled, sending me a smile.

            “I’m right, and you are wrong, like always,” I winked.

            “This is our third restaurant, and if they tell us they don’t have enough food, I’m going to punch a table, seriously,” Robert chuckled, putting his phone in front of him.

            “Hey, Destiny, your mom texted when do you feed Dory?” Alex said, handing his phone to me.

            “Uh, in about, ten minutes,” I smiled at him, making him text it.

            “You know what I don’t get at all right now?” Robert asked, giving me and Alex a confused look.

            “You don’t get anything, so this isn’t a shocker,” I sighed, giving him a look.

            “I do too,” he mocked me, giving me a look.

            “You didn’t know how to put on a condom,” I said under my breath, Alex giving me a look. Ha, he heard, but he knows, he’s known since the beginning.

            “What do you get,” Alex asked.

            “Why does Destiny do everything for Dory, while her mom doesn’t do anything,” he said, leaning back in his chair.

            “’Cause I’m closer to Dory, and my mom goes out a lot, so basically I’m Dory’s ‘mommy’,” I said, also leaning back in the chair.

            “Yeah, what she said,” Alex pointed to me.

            “Okay, if y’all say so, but I don’t believe you,” he rolled his eyes, looking around at his surrounding.

            “We don’t care if you believe it or not, you just don’t have to know, and hey, maybe I’ll tell you during third period or lunch,” I growled at him.

            “What?” he looked at me.

            “Third period or lunch, because you know, I’m like in all your classes, and you treat me like shit.” I told him, my voice raising a little.

            “I do not treat you like shit,” he grumbled, standing up, making me look up at him.

            “How much do you want to bet? Because, if we do, I will become rich with all your freaking money, and maybe you won’t treat me like shit once you ask for money.” I said, standing up and slapping him. “I’m done here; I’m taking the bus or calling Zach.”

            I walked out of the restaurant, with Alex on my tail.

            To: Zach

            Hey, pick me up at OG, the one next to the mall, I’ll be waiting at the benches at the mall; see you then. Oh, and I’ll explain, Zach. (:

            “Dest-Dest-Dest-Destiny!” Alex shouted behind me, making me turn around, his body colliding against mine.

            “What?! What do you want, Zachary is coming to pick me up, I’m not spending another hour with Robert, hell no,” I whispered, his eyes telling me to calm down.

            “Just tell him, tell him everything; he already forgot, you know him,” he said, nodding a little.

            “Later, but not right now, Zach is coming,” I sighed, closing my eyes.

            “You’re so beautiful.” He said once I opened my eyes.

            He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

            “Y-you have—,” I started.

            “Sarah can wait, she’s nothing compared to you,” he said.

            That’s when I felt his lips on mine, his warm pink lips kissing my baby pink lips, with Chapstick and strawberry lip gloss.

            His lips on mine.


            I know, long time no upload, I’m sorry! I really am! But I had to do this, before my older-older sister comes next week/weekend! Three years of ShootUsDown! Tears!

            So how ‘bout:

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