Chapter 30

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A.N. read: Between The Shades Of Grass by...I really don't know who it's by, but look on my reading list. It's called "Nadia's Reading List" (I think). it should be on there. It's Larry Stylinson, and it is like THE BEST! Besides The Forbidden Woods, of course. :D K, here's Chapter 30! Enjoy. xx


It's been a long time since the sedate-incident. Now Louis is safely home, and neither of us have heard from the demons in a long time.

I'm sitting watching TV with a sleepy Louis, when Liam walks over to me. I groan.

"What now?"

"I need to talk to you."

"Yeah, NOT here." I say, getting up. "Zayn!" I call. He zips over.


"Can you watch Louis for me while I talk with Liam?" He nods his head. "Ok, thanks." I follow Liam outside. "Ok, so what is it?" Liam runs a hand through his hair and sighs.

"The marking stage." I tense up.

"What about it?"

"It has to happen. Now."


I slowly open my eyes. I expect to see Harry next to me, but instead I see Zayn. I jump slightly at the sight of him. A whimper escapes my mouth. Zayn turns to face me with a smirk on his face.

"Oh hello there, Louis. I see you've survived."


"WHAT?!" I shout.

"SHH! You'll draw attention from inside." I sigh and run a hand through my curls.

"Why do I have to do it now?"

"Because I read a book about destiny, and there was this section on soulmates. I read it because I thought it might help with the whole Louis thing. It said that if you mark your human soulmate, the demons will go away." I freeze.

"Wait, so that's why they wanted Louis dead? Because they knew that I was soulmates with him, and they didn't want me to mark him, because they would die for good if I did?" Liam nods his head.


"Oh my gosh." I breathe.

"I know right. I was shocked too. But afterwards, it all made sense." Liam says. I nod my head, not saying a word. I'm too surprised.

But then it hits me.

I have to mark Louis.

A.N. Please vote and comment! Thanks for reading, I love you all so much. Wow, what's up with Zayn? And will Harry mark Louis? Read on to find out! :D Have a wonderful rest of your day/night! :) xx

~Nia~ :D

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