Chapter One: Stealing bread and meeting friends

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So wow.....this is my first story in god knows how long! Sorry guys. My charger for my laptop broke in like October and im still waiting for a new one, plus we moved in August so i was packing and repainting and then unpacking so im sorry! Dont dig up the trolls just yet! I will be updating ALL of my current stories as well as adding new ones. to make for it here is one of the two chapters i plan to put up for this story!


I clutched the warm bakery bread to my chest as I ran through the streets of District 12.

"Come back here you brat!!"

The store keepers wife yelled at me. I chuckled, turning back to glimpse at her red face before turning back and smashing into a firm chest.


I grunted falling back onto my but still clutching the bread.

"Are you ok?"

I nodded as I looked up into the gray eyes of one of the genius hunters in District 12

"What's your name?"

"Orchid Rain"

He smiled "Hey Katniss we have I little flower here"  Katniss Everdeen and her little sister Primrose looked at me curiously.

"Where did you get that bread Orchid?" Primrose asked. Katniss and Gale looked at me curiously. I sighed " I nicked it from the bakery sorry. I should give it back shouldn't i?" "How old are you Orchid?" Katniss asked crouching down to my level. " I just turned 12 so I got my first tesserae but my father is very sick so I thought bread might help him" Katniss's eyes softened and she helped me up "My mother is a doctor would you mind if she looked at him?" I looked up with hopeful eyes but then remembered our money situation "I can't pay her though..."

She smiled "It's fine, we're friends right?" I looked at the huntress in awe before nodding frantically "Yes!" I grabbed her hand and dragged her to her house then mine to see if my father would get better. After waiting for some time and being scolded by Ms. Everdeen for stealing the bread it was determined that my father would be just fine. I smiled so wide my cheeks hurt.

He's going to be fine. Daddy's going to be alright!

(Skip to morning of the reaping)

I stood with the 12 year olds in my pretty white dress that daddy keeps for reaping days and glanced back at Katniss who smiled at me gently, Prim was 11 so she wouldn't be entered until next year. Effie Trinket babbled good naturedly on stage while Haymitch stumbled around drunkenly. I straightend up as she put her hand in the glass fishbowl for girls and pulled out a slip of paper. My heart thundered in my chest.

"Orchid Rain!"

It was so silent you could hear a pin drop as I headed onto the stage for tributes. Facing the crowd I saw raw emotion, sadness for me hatred for the Capitol sending a 12 year old to her death. Katniss looked to be in pain and so did Gale, they definitely didn't want me to go. But they all had big families to take care of.

"Joshua Philips"

I recognized the skinny 14 year old who was on the wrestling team at school the year before.

"These are your tributes. Have a happy Hunger Games and May the odds be ever in your favor!" Effie crooned as peace keepers escorted us into rooms where we say goodbye. The first to come in was my father, who hugged me tightly and kissed my head. I knew in that moment he had resolved himself to my death. A skinny malnourished 12 year old against the carrers won't last long in the arena. Daddy slid a pretty Barrett into my hair before leaving. Katniss, Prim and Gale came together with somber faces. "This isn't right!" Prim said hugging me tightly, I smiled sadly and stroked her bright blonde hair before she got  up and I got to Give Katniss and Gale their hugs. I looked at each if them in turn before tugging out three of my Barrett's that l had to keep my short flyaway blonde hair down. I gave one to each of them, clipping Prim's in her hair for her. "Come back to us please Orchid!" Prim cried as Katniss and Gale lead her away.

"Katniss, Gale!"

They both turned back.

"Can you give some game to my father once in a while, just take care of him please? Nothing drastic,just please?" I begged.

They both nodded with tears in their eyes and left the room. I sat quietly for a moment until my best frieynd Josephine Redhill burst through the door and embraced me tightly, tears running down her mocha colored face. "Kick ass and come back okay?"


"Okay?!" She said histerically shaking my shoulders. I removed her hands and sat down with her. "The chances of me coming back are very slim so hold onto this got it?" I said giving her my favorite bracelet, it was silver plated with intricate designs and Orchid in the middle. "Hold onto this for me okay Joe?" She blinked and took it as tears streamed down her face. Peace keepers came in at that moment and I swear I saw a spark of pity in their eyes as the saw the two crying 12 year old girls.

"It's time"

I pulled Josephine with my as I stood up. "Stay safe Joe, and promise you'll keep that bracelet for as long as you can?" She nodded, unable to speak and lowered her head as the Peace keepers escorted her out. "Come back Rainey!" She shouted as the door closed. I smiled and closed my eyes as a tear trailed down my cheek.

"Huh, I guess I resolved myself to death too"

I whispered as I made a fist around the black bead necklace I always wore. The door opened again and I stood up as I was escorted to the train.


I sat with Gale in a meadow beyond the gates of the district. "I can't believe it" he mumbled. I sat up fully and looked at the tall grass "I know, and it was her first time in, she just turned 12, Orchid. Do you remember meeting her?" Gale chuckled lightly "Yeah, she was stealing bread from the bakery for her sick father, she was so happy when your mom told her he would get better,"

"I remember the look on her face when mom scolded her for stealing that bread, you could tell she had never been scolded like that by a mother." I said, smiling a bit when I remembered her face. 'Do you think she'll be back?' Prim's voice echoed in my head. "I want to be positive Gale but I, she's twelve and she can't hunt she's fast but that's all she is. Fast. If she runs into a career, she'll be done for!"

Gale grasped my hand on his and looked at me "then we pray and send her our strength and skills. Come on, lets get back."

We entered the district and decided to check on Orchid's dad. A little girl about Orchids age was on the steps. She had mocha colored skin and black hair, her eyes were jade green and red from crying.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" I asked. She looked up and blinked. "Are-are you Katniss and Gale?" Gale and I looked at each other and nodded to her. She smiled a small painful smile. "I'm Josephine Redhill, Orchids bestfriend." She sniffled and stood up, "I just-I just can't celebrate not getting reaped with out Orchid so I came here when I remembered that she can't celebrate because she did get reaped." Josephine whipped her eyes and waved with a sorry smile as a girl about my age (15) that looked like Josephine called her over. I went home after that. I could never imagine Prim or Gale in the hunger games, I'd probably lose it completely.


Thats it! Keep in mind this is a short story so not too many details and i compacted it yea! 






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