Chapter 7: Shocking

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Mia texted me that she will meet me at the mall so I just grabbed my shoes, purse and my car keys.

''Going to the mall with Mia!'' I shouted before walking to my silver Dodge charger 1969, climb in and sped off.

At the mall

Mia said she will see me at the entrance. Walking to the entrance I see her standing there on her phone. Obviously playing games.

Mia is also a werewolf, her wolf's name is Becky and she has blond fur. She hasn't found her mate because she didn't her on her birthday.

When she noticed me she ran to me and gave me a bone crashing hug.

''Hey G!'' She said excited.

''Hey M!'' I said when she pulled away.

''I am so glad you called me, we haven't gotten to go shopping! I heard you found your mate! I'm so happy for you! Now! We have to get you the right outfit for tonight! He will so mark you when I am done with you! Come, let's go!'' She finished, took my arm and lead me inside.

Yes! Now we can go shopping! This better be good or I am going to be stuck with with nothing to wear tonight!

After going to EVERY store in the damn mall we finally walked out with ten bags each.

We bought new shoes, shirts, dresses, belly rings, shorts, jewelry, make-up and last but not least lingerie.

Mia said that I MUST buy them for a special moment and that I'm sure it is tonight.

''Are you coming over or am I going to have someone else do it for me?'' I ask her, walking to my car.

''I'm driving behind you. No one will ever take my place and if they do, I will kill them!'' She said growling softly.

I chuckle while putting in the bags.
I open my car door and climb in. I just remembered what my sisters name is, Chelsea.

While riding I got this massive pain in my body. I don't really know why but it is intense. I ignore it because it's probably just something to do with my powers. I decided I will first go to Starbucks just to relax and eat something and then go home.


Waiting for Mia, I go to the booth at the end of Starbucks. I order for both of us because I already know what she likes. Mia came in with an angry expression on her face. When she saw me she looked at me sad. She sat down and looked everywhere except for my face. There is something real bad going on and I have to find out.

''Spill!'' I demanded her.

''I am not the one to tell you. I'm sorry but it's not my place to tell you. Even if they don't tell you, you will find out. Grace don't be mad at me, its not...'' She said looking sad and mad.

''Why won't you tell me? I thought we wouldn't keep secrets from each other. If you are not going to tell me who would tell me then?'' I said getting angry.

''Let's go to the packhouse. There you would find your answers.'' She said walking out.

I got my drink and bagel and head to my car. Lilly has been quiet the whole time. She has put a wall up and that is never good. As much as she irritates me sometimes she is the reason for the life I have and therefore I would do anything she asks. This is the second time she has put a wall up and that was when we found out that the king was locked up. So this is real bad.

Lilly, please come out and tell what is wrong.

No answer.

Lilly please come out. I need to know that you are fine.

Grace, go to Hunter.

She softly said and disappeared.

I wonder what was going on. She sounded hurt and betrayed. What has Hunter to do with this?

At the pack house.

I climbed out my car and saw Mia at the door waiting for me. I grabbed my bag and phone and went to her. I looked at her confused but she just turned her head.

Walking in I can feel the tension in the air. I sniffed around and went to the kitchen smelling them there.

I came in and saw Chelsea, Bobby, my father and mother there. Once they notice me they looked at me and their faces looked sad. They avoided eye contact. This is getting me mad. Why won't anyone tell me what it going on? Then I remembered Lilly said I must find Hunter.

''Well I am going to find Hunter. Obviously no one wants to tell me what is going in.'' Their heads snapped to me when I turned on my heel. They hurried to me and pulled me into one of the chairs. I looked at them confused. I waited for someone to speak but luckily mother did.

''Grace, what you are going to see when you are going to walk up there will surprise you and break you but we are just behind you. We love you Grace.'' She said while looking at me with teary eyes.
Before I could respond there shot a painful sting in my body and that made me cry out in pain. Everyone came to hold me while I cry out in pain. Oky there is seriously something wrong.

Once my pain died down I stood up and walked up to my room. Hunter wasn't in my office so maybe he was in my room. Walking into my room shocked me.

So this is the reason for my pain and for everyone's sad expression. This is the reason why Lilly has bought up het wall. This is also going to make that my life will break down. My whole body feels stiff.

In my bed lays Hunter completely naked with the pack's slut also naked sleeping.

Hunter and that bitch, Victoria, was fucking in My room in My bed.

That bitch will never see light again! And that is a promise!


I know I said I was going to stop this book but I am going to continue. Also I started a new book.


Please read it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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