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Last Time On Blind Love...

"Oh hell yes. This is my shit. This is like my spirit-animal, I live for this show!" I fist pumped the air and watched the channel, I never took my eyes off the T.V until I felt a weird feeling in my stomach.

I groaned a bit and looked down, it felt like something had just kind of kicked me.

"Oh fuck, Kadota this lil' person inside of me-" I finally realized something.

Where the hell is Kadota?


I felt cold chills shiver down my spine, how could I have not noticed he was gone until now? I slowly but surely moved my blanket off of my body, which was now completely dry, and looked around my house.

"Kadota? Dota-Kun?? Helloooo?!"

There was no answer to my calls, only an eerie silence filled the small building I called home. I shivered, why was it so damn cold in my house anyway?! I walked back into room and realized an open window, hold up. I had shut all of the windows and closed all of the blinds when I changed, which means that someone had opened it. My body had somehow stopped moving, I was frozen in place out of fear. My mind was filled with dreadful thoughts, I'm not much of an optimist in these situations. I always expect something bad, like when I was kidnapped by Izaya and he did all those things to me, that was hella' bad.

"Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily?," A voice rang through my head which immediately caused a major migraine.

"Who-What-Where? What the hell.. Wait.. Oh shit." I quickly turned around but jumped back and almost fell over at the sight of that thing, that woman.

"My, my, aren't you jumpy." K's un-moving smile twitched a little as if she was trying to make the smile grow.

I ignored her comment because I saw a familiar figure standing right beside K, and K released muffled laughs at my reaction. I huffed out a shaky breath.

"K, how are you still alive?" I narrowed my [e/c] eyes as I patiently waited for the Spriggan's response.

"Well.," she started, "I have my ways, and I thought a girl like you would be smart enough to do her own research.~" K's blood colored orbs were filled with amusement, it made my face twist with disgust.

"What the hell are you going on about?"

"Us Spriggans can't die. Well, not in this world we can't. I would of thought that your little pet woulda' told you but I guess I was wrong."

"Pet? Wait.. You mean Cerberus? And just hold on a second, you can't die in this world?!" My head was throbbing with pain as questions after questions seemed to appear in my mind.

"Yes, him.," K paused for a moment to think, "Actually, after thinking it over for a while.. Have you even considered him a bad guy in this situation, or are you just too naive to even think of that possibility?"

"Cerberus can't be the bad guy! He's helped me ever since you showed up to ruin my life, and the life's of the ones I love!" I watched as K shifted, the charm on her right, gray horn swaying slightly.

The figure behind K also moved to stand in front of her protectively, this made me growl. The cold wind from outside blew into my bedroom from the open window, I shuddered at the feeling. K's dark pupils glanced over at the window then back at me, I arched a brow at this and slowly turned my head to look behind me. There stood a black figure, one in black actually. My eyes widened with surprise as I realized just who this was.


The headless rider's helmet moved in my direction and she gave me a small nod, this made me give her a small smile in return. A low, inhumane growl erupted from K's throat. Celty's attention was now on the Spriggan.

[ I saw your window open which made me worry because you never have your windows open, I decided to check up on you but then I saw you in the room with someone else. ] I read Celty's phone and nodded.

"You came just in ti-"

"Shud up shoo two! Why shon't we shust get shis over wish?" I almost wanted to hurl as the familiar smell of rotten flesh filled the small room.

I took a step back towards Celty as Kadota had actually stepped towards me. I looked over at Celty and saw she had her scythe out and large shadows had crawled onto the floor.

"Celty, you attack that.. Thing and I'll get Dotachin!" I already had this fight planned out in my head, Celty gave me a nod.

And everything went down.

Kadota charged at me and I did my best to dodge his attacks while Celty swung her scythe at K, who was swiftly jumping out of the way just in time. I groaned out in pain as Kadota had finally laid a punch on me, a bruise started to form on my hip. I growled and lunged at Kadota, I had actually tackled him onto the floor.

"I'm sorry, Dota-Kun.."

After that I started swinging punches at his face and head. I felt my knuckles ache in pain and cold liquid on my fists but I ignored the feelings, I just snapped.

-Celty's POV-
This woman character is strong, she's dodged all of my swings so far and she's successfully landed multiple blows to my chest and stomach. I swung at her again and she jumped out of the way which resulted in my scythe hitting the wall instead, I moved out of the way just in time as she had lunged out at me.

"You're good, I'll give you that."

If I had eyes right now, I'm sure they'd be wide open with surprise or confusion.

What the hell?

"Ahh, such a lovely voice.. Such a shame you don't have a head."

A female's hoarse voice echoed throughout my mind, I don't know how it's possible but it is.

Who are you?! What is the purpose if your actions?!

Another swing and yet another dodge.

"I'm K, or Kay-Kun.. Heh, and my purpose? I just want to kill every single thing that's not normal in this world.~"

My hands tightened their grip onto the handle of my scythe. The person speaking is the person I'm fighting right now, her voice is chilling.

What are you?

"Just a fellow monster."

You're nothing like me!

"Oh really? I'm sure I can relate to you in some ways."

Shut up!!

"Oh well that wasn't very nice!"

I shook my helmet to try and get this voice out of my.. Well.. Head. I focused on this K person and I had finally hit her with my scythe. I watched as K's eyes widened, her smile faltered but she regained her composure.

"I'll come back another time.~ This isn't over." And then, she was gone.

I let my scythe disappear before turning my attention to [f/n], I had immediately froze at the site of her and Kadota. Dry blood covered her hands, her usual sparkling [e/c] eyes were wide with no emotions except sadness, her shining [h/c] hair had lost its color. She looked like shit. And Kadota didn't even look alive, I'm sure he was but holy crap he looked fucked the hell up.

[ [f/n], we need to go back to Shinra's. I'll get Kadota over there later, just come with me for now. ] I watched as she read the screen for a second and nodded.

I'm honestly worried for her.

Word Count

Shizuo x Reader 2 | Blind Love [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now