★ Author's Note ★

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A/N brought to you by a whale:
;_____; O WHaLe.

My internet hasn't been up since I moved. Yes, I moved. I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever, just.. Hold me whilst I blabber.
I moved into the country. The. COUNTRY. FNSBDOWBDDFAK, you all should know what that means. MY WIFI, MY BELOVED WIFI... HAS BEEN OUT. GONE. POOF! BAM! GONE! I'm sad. I have no life outside of my phone. ;____; Whale is sad. Your dear DT (Aka: DementedThings) is sad. I'm sad. But! -Drumroll please- MY GRANDPARENTS HAVE LIKE THIS AMAZING THING CALLED DATA THAT I CAN USE WHILE THE INTERNET IS OUT. Thank god for that. Now back to the story, after this A/N of course! Uh, um, whale.. Turns out. I'm kinda' like, oh, whale I dunno'.. -Cough depressed COUGH WHEEZE SOB- wut..? Um anyway yeah. Don't worry though. I'm all good. Other than y'know.. HAVING NO LIFE.
-Sudden fetal position- Iz okay tho, I'm okay, everything Iz okay. -Sob- Why am I sobbing? Idk. Idc. Autocorrect is making me upset. Imma go now and get started on updating my fanfic for you lovely peeps.
Peace out!~

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