why did you do that?

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'Are you sure you don't need anything else?' Lydia nodded. She lay down on Stiles' couch, covered in 2 blankets along with a worried Stiles sitting right next to her. You can't blame him though. He just saved Lydia from eichen house a few hours ago and didn't change his position next to her ever since. Expect for this one time,when he got the blankets, a pillow and water, which she hasn't drunk yet. 'You don't have to talk, I toally get that,but I still want to be sure that you are fine - or at least better' Lydia just nodded and formed a little smile to make sure Stiles knows that she'll be alright.

An hour later Stiles got up to get himself some blankets so he can sleep on the couch across from Lydia's, who still hasn't decided to talk.
'I couldn't move' his eyes moved to Lydia who now sat on the couch.
'I couldn't speak or move.' Stiles got back to the couch again and took place right next to her.
'It's okay, you don't have to-'
'I was at the hospital and I remember seeing you come into the room but my mum started to yell at you to get out,so you did. I don't remember much of what happened after but I do remember that my mother had left the room. When she came back another men stood next to her and the next thing I knew was that they got me out of the hospital.'
Lydia took a deap breath before continuing.
'The moment they put me in their car was the moment that I realised where they were taking me and all I wanted to do was to scream. I wanted to tell them that I can't be there. No one can. That it's not a good place.' She started breathing reall fast and crying a lot. 'But I wasn't able to say anything. Or to run away.'
She now wasn't able to keep speaking anymore. She just kept on crying and her heart beat got faster and faster.
'Lydia you have to calm down!'
Stiles told her to slow her breathing but nothing happens. So he gently grabs her face and says she should look at him. That's when he kisses her. He made sure to do so long enough. Not for his own advantage, but to make sure she wasn't able to take any more of her too fast taken breaths. The thought of joy didn't even crosse his mind. At least not the kind of joy a boy would have if he kissed his crush. But that was the thing, he wasn't kissing his crush. He was kissing the girl that helped him once just the way he was doing now. The girl he needed to protect no matter what. The girl he would risk his own life for. The love of his life. That was the feeling he felt asides the need to help her to calm down.

'Why did you do that?'
Lydias breath was now much calmer. Tears didn't roll down her cheeks anymore. Her expression was more confused now than anything else. And that look didn't cross lydia martin's face often.
'Someone smart told me once that holding your breath can stop a panicattack, so when I kissed you,you held your breath.'
Lydia just looked at him and smiled.
It was almost the same smile she had when she was the one helping Stiles to calm down. But there was still something different about it.
The little touch of fear was nowhere seen. She wasn't asking herself what just happened.
And that's when she leans in to kiss him again. Stiles was surprised at first but kissed back. This time there were a whole lot more emotions. The first thought he had a minute ago faded and now there was only one left. The same Lydia felt at this very moment.
'Why did you do that?'
'I didn't want to make the same mistake you did when I kissed you.'

That was when he realised that she wanted him to kiss her back this entire time.

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