I remember

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>>Lydia, are you okay?<< were one of the only phrases Lydia could pick up through the loud sound ,which she wasn't sure how to describe, that has been echoing in her ears all day.

It all started this morning, right before she went to school to pay one last visit at the sherrif's house, which she has been doing way too often the last few months.
She sure knew what the people around her were thinking, that she is somewhat 'crazy' or whatever you would call it but now even she was sure she was slowly going out of her mind.

All these visits weren't for nothing. She knew she didn't end up on their doorstep at least 3 times a week for just literally nothing. Although everyone seemed to have given up, the girl or maybe even the banshee knew that the person they called 'stiles' was real. He had to be.

The last visit (at least that's what she had promised her slightly worried mother) this morning wasn't gonna end with her leaving that house without having figured out at least something.
So that was exactly what she was going for when she ended up in a completely empty room.
Well, not completely. Because this is were the annoying unberable sound had started.
The room was empty except for this one not so large piece of red string.
assuming that the red string wasn't important or used by the married couple that lived here , she picked it up ,put it in her jacket and went to leave.

* * *

>> yeah. I'm alright. Just having a head ache,that's all<<
Scott nodded in response.
The more she tried to ignore it, the louder it got. And she had no idea if this was just one more symptom showing her that she was going insane but she was almost sure she had heard this sound before. It was kind of like the sound you hear during an MRI if that even made sense.

And if anything made this any harder , it was sitting in class not being able to focus on anything else but this weird noise just growing louder and louder.

yet there was this one answer she catched when one of the students got called by the teacher.
>> still unsolved.<<

And altough Lydia was sure this couldn't have gotten any worse,it got.
Because now she started hearing voices in her head too.
The noise was fighting against it and growing louder each time the voices started speaking in her head.
'' what does red mean?'' , ''unsolved.''

This was getting unberable.
>>I'm not feeling well<< was all she got out until running out of class.
She almost tripped, while running through the hallway,trying to escape the noise which just kept growing louder and louder.
''I think you look really beautiful when you cry''
She didn't stop running until she was sitting save in her car.
Being out of breath she started covering her ears with her hands, tears running down her cheeks out of pain.
''Lydia look at me, just focus on my voice.''
>>please stop,please make it stop.<<

She was now sobbing uncontrollably still trying to stop the noise by covering her ears.
''don't start doubting yourself now.''
''Lydia you have to wake up''
''come one just open your eyes''

If she was able to think about anything else right this second she would have thought that this was it. she officially lost it. she should have stopped looking when everyone else did but the voice in her head kept telling her not to doubt herself. That she's been right everytime something like this had happened. instead of realising what she was doing ,she kept listening to the voices and kept on repeating >>remember.<< all over again almost forgetting to breathe.

''you're gonna forget me''
>> I won't. I won't. I won't.<<
''remember I love you''

At this point, the noise from earlier was fighting its battle against the voices, both trying to be louder until she couldn't take it anymore.
Whatever was happening, she was sure that she was gonna pass out when this didn't stop.
There was this one sentence she could hear clearly through all the other noises happening in her head right now.

and that's what happened next.

After what felt like hours, she finally took her hands from her ears, eyes still blury from all the tears. Trying to catch her breath ,wondering how she didn't pass out yet, she realised that the noise had finally vanished.

Looking out of her window she saw scott running towards her car.
He must have excused himself from class to check on her.

when he arrived he immeditally opened her car door and checked for any injuries ,which of course he couldn't find.
>>what happened?<<

Lydia who was finally able to breathe normal again ,looked at scott and didn't know weather to start crying again.

>>I remember.<<

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