How m a n y ?

19 5 4

Do you know how many poems I've written about you

about the sweet cusp of your upper lip, do you?

about the scent you leave on my clothes

about the moment you'd say you love me and it finally shows

Do you see how many times I've tried to be yours and show you

how many times I've wept over you

how many times I've just wanted you to say hi

how many times you've done nothing but say goodbye

Do you feel every crack in my heartbeat

feel every scream that leaves me heaving with trembling feet

feel every echo of my body crying out for you

feel each kiss I've been dying to lay upon you like glue

Do you even realize that you've ended us

do you realize I'm slowly getting over you, over us

do you realize you're losing your chance

do you realize you finally made me stop believing in romance?

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