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I remember you

I remember the tears meandering down my face

the soft sobbing with each ignored call

the walls you broke through, had you running for the hills

I remember the day we met

I remember sunshine, kisses, I love you's, and the promise

of a promise ring

the promise of a holiday, but most of all the promise of forever

I remember the video I took

I remember your smile your laugh your body your scent, you

but you told me you were about to die

and I cried all night wishing you would live

I remember how I felt when I found out 

I remember how you lied about it all and weren't dying

how you were off cheating on me and drinking heavily

how you turned off your phone for a week

then were surprised when I ended it.

I remember it all

I remember you


but most of all us,

or .. me 

because I was alone in that relationship


A/N: Is this still poetry, I went a little different with this one?

Basically this guy ages ago I met him at gay pride. He was amazing, I was utterly convinced this was the ONE. Then after a few days of being together happy it turned sour. He got bored of me, constantly put me down, pressured me trying to make me get into bed with him but I stood my ground and refused. He was unhappy I was unhappy. He promised me a ring, a holiday, a life together. I could see every bit of it as he described our life together until it got bad. Until he made me cry on a daily basis and turned his phone off anytime I tried to call him and talk it out. He sent me a picture, obviously from a while back because he had blood problems and basically had hospital visits monthly. The picture was of his arm with a drip in it and he told me he was going to die. I was shocked, in my mind the love of my life was going to die. My ex boyfriend who I had the strangest craziest romantic relationship with but it ended because he wasn't ready for comittment tried to get back with me while I was with the guy who I believed was my soulmate. I said no obviously because yaknow dying soulmate over there. Turned out he was out partying with his friends and making out among other stuff with other guys in a place close by to me. He promised to meet me in dublin in the morning, but didn't bother. So yeah this poem was about that fucked up ex boyfriend who told me he was going to die when really he was cheating on me. Bit of a fucked up thing but hey that's life I'm over him but this poem needed to exist for my sanity's sake. Hope you liked it bae's x

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