Chapter 1

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*Amanda'a POV*

"So, what movie do you wanna see?" I asked Sarah. It's my birthday, I'm turning 17. Sarah just got her license a couple weeks ago and she wanted to drive so I let her.

"I don't know. Your choice." She said back to me.

"How about The Heat?" I asked. "The previews for it seemed pretty funny."

"Perfect! What time does it play?" Sarah asked me stopping at a red light.

"Umm, I think at 9:30." I said checking my phone. I got a text from my boyfriend, Kyle.

He's the jock, the player, the guy every girl wants. Yeah I know he has a reputation. A big reputation. But we have been together for almost 8 months. He swears to me that he hasn't been with any other girl since we got together, Sarah doesn't believe that. I want to believe him but its hard to.

"Kyle?" She asked.

"Yeah." Was all I said.

"I still don't like you two dating." She said

"I know you dont, but I love him." I said replying to Kyle's text.

Kyle: Hey beautiful. 😘

Me: Hey. 😍

Kyle: What are you doing today?

Me: Going to go watch a movie with Sarah. You?

Kyle: You guys always hang out! I was going to see if you wanted to do anything today, since its your birthday.(; We never hang out anymore!

Me: She's my best friend! Kyle Im not ready to do that! And we do hangout. When your not with your friends and have time!

Kyle: I know she's your best friend but I'm your boyfriend. When will you be ready? Your 17 now! And It's more like when your not with Sarah and you have the time!

Me: I don't know! Iv got to go. We can talk later. If you want. Bye!

Kyle: No. Lets talk now.

Me: I don't want to talk to you right now! Good-Bye Kyle!

Kyle: Whatever. Bye!

"Don't worry about it Amanda." Sarah said to me after I finished reading Kyle's and my conversation to her.

"It's hard not to." Was all I said back to her.

*Paul's POV*

"Hey!" I said to Danny as he walked in my room.

"What's up?" Danny said.

"Nothing. Just wondering what our new neighbors are going to be like." I said smiling at him.

"If its a cute girl I call dibs!" Danny yelled.

"I don't think so! You can have her hot best friend." I said smiling.

"Fine!" Danny yelled. "I'm going to get Nutella!"

"You know where it's at." I yelled after he already left my room.

When Danny walked back in my room he had a spoon in his hand an the Nutella jar in the other.

"Wanna go watch a movie later?" Danny asked me.

"Yeah, sure. What movie?" I asked.

"Oh oh! The Heat! I really wanna see it!" Danny screamed.

"Okay, okay! We'll watch that then." I said laughing.

"Yay!" Danny said and then continued to eat the Nutella.

"What do you wanna do until then?" I asked.

I Dare You To Be Mine. (Paul Zimmer)Where stories live. Discover now