Bellatrix Lestrange's Daughter

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  • Dedicated to Jade

IgI sat in the train compartment, shivering, alone. I was stick thin and eerily pale, which is not a good contrast for black hair. I look like death warmed up. Of course I do. I am Bellatrix Lestranges daughter. I have her high voice, her black hair, her heavily lidded eyes and her loyalty to those I trust. Except I am loyal to decent people. She was loyal to Lord Voldemort, or He Who Thinks He Must Not Be Named, or You Know Who He Thinks He is.

Not that I have any friends. Lets face it, the whole world of witches and wizards is against Voldemort and his followers. So Hogwarts is my golden oppertunity. I dont have to tell anyone I am her daughter. My name is actually Sarah Lestrange but I will tell everyone my name is Sienna Zendragon, even the teachers. No one knows any different.

A girl with long, glossy black hair comes in. She asks timidly to sit down, and I nod and gesture mutely to the seat next to me. She ducks her head shyly. 'My name's Cho Chang, whats yours?'she asks.

'Sa-uh, Sienna Zendragon,' I tell her, cursing inwardly. Already I am slipping up!

She smiles a little vaguely. I notice her strong Scottish accent as she speaks again. 'The train has stopped. We should go.'

'I will catch you up,' I grimace, 'my suitcase is really heavy...'

'They take it up for you, it will be fine', Cho assures me. We step off the train and the glorious sunlight dapples our robes. I inhale the fresh air and think, I am glad I am off that train!

The first years are told by a humongously large, hairy man called Hagrid to climb into boats in groups of four. Cho and I are joined in a boat by a dreamy blonde girl immersed in an upside down magazine and tge son of Mums fellow Voldemort supporter. The poor guy looks like he would rather be anywhere than a boat full of girls. He eyes me distastefully and says-shock horror!- 'Arent you Bellatrix Lestranges kid?'

I act offended. 'How dare you suggest I am the daughter of a criminal! How is that sort of comment supposed to make me feel on my first day of school!' I shriek. Cho puts her arm round me amd glares furiously. The dreamy girl nods vaguely. The Malfoy boy shuts up defeatedly. The boats stop on a pebbly sort of harbour and everyone files out. Towering above us is a huge castle. Hagrid raps on the oak door, whoch swings open of its own accord. We are in a large dining hall with four long tables and a table where the teachers sit. The houses are all watching us. A strict witch is reading out names from a scroll. Each student has to try on a filthy hat, which will shout out their house. The student then joins the house table. Suddenly the witch calls, 'Sienna Zendragon!'

I stumble to the front and place the hat gingerly on my head. I hear the hat scream RAVENCLAW after a few tense seconds. I return the hat to the witch and scurry off to join Cho at the ravenclaw table. When all the first years are Sorted, a delicious feast appears. We are then led to our common room and shown to our dormitories. I settle into bed and just before I fall asleep I think about how you have to answer a logical question to enter the common room, then the world blackens as I sleep.

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