Chapter Seven

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It went quite well for the first few weeks, and no one seemed to notice I had vanished off the face of the Earth. Not that there was many people left: most people had gone home for the holidays. I got frequent notes from Luna and Cho slid under the door, Luna's usually difficult to understand, something about Nargles. WHAT ARE NARGLES?????!!!!!! Still, at least she kept in touch. I understand Marietta's problem, but I thought she'd at least wish me luck staying hidden ina secret room at Hogwarts.

On Tuesday, it all went wrong. Not as in, 'it went wrong' you got a sum wrong at school,or your laptop crashed in the middle of an update. More like 'it went wrong' as in, Harry Potter and I had a little... run-in. Typical. The one student  I've been avoiding happens to burst in on me.

I heard his voice and the slap of several pairs of feet on the marble floor. 'We are going to hold Dumbledore's Army in the Room of Requirement,'I heard him say. There was no time to hide. He- they- burst in on me. I spotted Cho's blurred face among them, and knew what she had done. There was silence for a moment.

"What are you doing here?" his voice echoed througout the eerie chamber. You could of heard a pin drop, in the unlikely event that someone had dropped a pin at that exact moment.

"I could ask you the same question," my voice was high-pitched and wobbly. The game was up. He knew exactly who I was, and what I had done.

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