Chapter 3

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I walk down the sidewalk holding Lilac's hand. Two more blocks and then we are at Lilac's house. Out of no where she stops walking and then I stop as well.

"I need to tell you something,"she says to me.

"Yeah?"I ask.

"I can't date you anymore,"she says shamefully.

"What?!? Why?!"I yelp.

"I was never supposed to fall in love with you,"she says quietly.

"What's that mean?!?"I yell in question.

"Look guardians are not supposed to have a relationship with a Kinder,"she blurts out then putting her hands over her mouth with wide eyes.

"What?"I ask.

"Never mind. We just can't be together,"She says.

"Explain what's going on now,"I demand.

She sighs and sits on the curb. She asks for me to sit and I sit. She then starts to explain.

"There are Kinders, Guardians, Lighters, and Amours,"she says.

"What's are those?"I ask.

"Kinders are people with magical spirits. They either have an animal spirit, a plant spirit, an armor spirit, or a weapon spirit. They can summon and or control anything corresponding with their spirit. Guardians are the ones who protect the Kinders with their lives. Each guardian is born bound to their Kinder. Lighters are the ones who train the Kinders and Guardians all they need to know to survive. And the Amours, they are the elders. The ones who have completely mastered their powers and make sure all Kinders, Guardians, and Lighters are in check. Together we all protect this world,"she explains.

I just sit there in aw. I am a Kinder? Uh okay. That just happened.

"Is anyone in my family any of those things?"I ask.

"Your father was a Lighter. He was to teach you and some others your powers when you came to the age,"she says.

"Does my mother know?"I ask.

"Sadly no,"She says,"she did but asked for the Amours to wipe her memories of knowing. It was to much for her."

"What spirit do I have?"I asked.

"Animal,"she says.

"Really?"I ask,"What are all the things an animal spirit person can do?"

"You can summon animals and control any you come in contact with willingly. Some can even speak with animals but not all. Rare few have the ability to transform into the animal of their choosing. Your either born with it in you or rare few manage to develop it once they've gained full control,"she says.

"Cool!"I say,"do I have to go to like a special school or..?"

"Yes. Your mother sighed a contract that states that when she gets a text saying "Rose school" that her brain will automatically know to send you there and you must not tell her what happens at school. If she gets one tiny word about any of this her memories will come back and she will force the Amours to extract your memories of having powers and of me,"she says.

"Wait how does her brain know to do that,"I ask.

"Some Kinders have a psychic spirit to where they can manipulate the mind to do things to their will,"she says.

"Oh,"I say.

"Yup,"she says back.

I kiss her on the lips. She then kisses back. I get up and grab her hand and drag her to her house.

"Wha-"she says.

We go into her house and I have her open the door. I shut it behind us and make sure she doesn't say anything. I lead her to her room. I close the door behind us and sit her on her bed.

"What are you?"she asks.

I kiss her and say,"I will never let you break up with me Lil."

I then lay her back into the bed and begin to kiss her over and over.

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