Response to "Ten Steps to End Jihad Against the West"

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Response to "Ten Steps to End Jihad Against the West"

Thank you, Mr. Biddle, for such an illuminating and simple way to "End Jihad Against the West" in just "Ten Steps". Your ideas have inspired and educated me so much that I believe that I have found an easier way to, not just end "Jihad Against the West", but to solve all human problems. Let's just nuke the entire planet. We can't have problems if all human life has been eradicated, right? And that's all in just one easy step!

I feel like your letter is very punctual, but also much coated. Instead of writing "Dear Arabs, Persians, and Muslims", why not just write "Dear filthy, barbarous scum"? However, I do like how you basically state that they are not civilized, "We are writing to inform you of our new policy regarding jihad against the West and to encourage you to join the civilized world." Meaning civility is past any Muslim or Persian or Arab.

In your article "Ten Steps to End Jihad Against the West", you essentially state that all Muslims are evil and we should bomb everything in the Mid-East. "Clearly," writes The Wolven League on a forum concerning this article on , "bombing the governments of the heathens until they collapse and leave a massive power vacuum is always the best way to go with foreign policy!" Hey, blowing things up in order to prevent extremist has always worked so well in the past. Besides, murdering innocent people is not really that bad.

As you inform us, they are not truly civilized anyway. Not like Americans are. In the U.S.A. September 11, 2001, terrorists crashed into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and almost Washington D.C. These attacks killed around 3000 people. This led to many Americans joining the military and a huge increase in hate crimes that still drag on. But, Muslims are so very different and uncivilized; therefore they will not rally to protest against the slaughter and harassment of anyone who dares to practice Islam, or even worse Jihad. Both terrorists and civilians alike won't hold any hatred towards the West while it attacks countries and their people.
"If a Muslim in any way materially supports, encourages, or incites jihad—if he provides jihadists with weapons, shelter, information, or the like; or if he calls for aggression against Westerners—he is, by that fact, an agent of the enemy and should be treated accordingly."
No pressure or anything.

"...including the nonsense that "Allah" exists and is the source of truth and moral law..."
You are obviously the absolute embodiment of respect and kindness.
"Jihadists and their supporters have no rights. They are, by their own chosen actions, right-less animals. Thus, when we kill them in retaliation, we do not violate their rights. We cannot violate that which does not exist"
So, you are stating that those who are Muslim and want to share what they have found enlightening are "right-less animals" and they should be "eliminated" whether or not they are being aggressive or passive or anything in between. In this whole article, you affirm your opinion that anyone who practices Islam is basically evil.

Islam is obviously evil and so is the Quran. The Bible is not violent at all!(Just ignore some hundreds of verses like Leviticus 25:44-46, Exodus 22:17, and Deuteronomy 13:13-19)

On a forum concerning this article on , Inútil wrote the following: "OK, here's my critique.

1. The only wars we are fighting are either aggressive wars on our part or 'wars' to try to undo the damage caused by our previous aggressive wars. We can stop fighting these wars any time we want to.
2. I'm happy to name the enemy - the sort of dangerous idiots who take us into wars in the middle east and then want to a) blame others for our aggression, and b) restrict our freedoms to keep fighting these insane wars and the reactions to them.
3. I can't decide whether 'In order to defend our rights and freedoms, we have to...err...take away all our rights and freedoms' or 'Congratulations fuckwit, you just justified the Paris attacks' is better.
4. See 1.
5. Either the author isn't aware of the failed campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan or he's calling for genocide; whichever it is, he's an idiot.
6. 'Hi, remember all those borders we drew for you, all those regimes we set up/toppled and all that bombing and invading we've done over the last century or so? Well we're going to impose our will on you again - please don't hate us for it'.
7. 'We are not responsible for anything we do' or perhaps 'It's your fault that I hit you', the cry of domestic abusers everywhere.
8. 'History - what's that?' I mean seriously, over a century of constant meddling and the author thinks that this time it's different.
9. These claims are empirically false.
10. '"Political correctness" is morally wrong. Moral correctness is morally right.' That about sums the level of argument in this piece.

Conclusion, Craig Biddle is a complete imbecile and would do humanity's IQ level a favour by killing himself. It's hard to believe that anyone could find such nonsense convincing, but then again one has to consider the level of people it's aimed at."

The enemy is not Islam nor is it Muslims, and even if religion has a major influence on this disruption and conflict, there is no way to humanely erase religion from our society. There are other causes. Lack of education, pride, lies, brainwashing, distrust, secrecy, and a whole lot more. Generalizing people and blowing up the generalized group of people is not a great option, and even though the death of innocent people is part of war and inevitable, educating and alleviating people of these "evils" will lower the amount of damage and lower the negative backlash from the conflict. Treating people like equals, being kind, and sharing ideas can do a lot of things.


Biddle, Craig. "Ten Steps to End Jihad Against the West - The Objective Standard." The Objective Standard. 29 Nov. 2015. Web. 2015/11/ten-steps-to-end-jihad-against-the-west/.

"Ten Steps to End Jihad against the West." NationStates. 22 Dec. 2015. Web. . ?f=20&t=363829.

"I Am Wondering If People Can Critique This." I Am Wondering If People Can Critique This. 8 Dec. 2015. Web. ?threads/i-am-wondering-if-people-can-critique-this.108428/.

The Holy Bible. Print.

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