Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

One of the securities separated the two; I stand there dumb-founded by what had just happened. I went to Vince to check if he's okay, then he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the grand hall. I can feel his anger, and I wonder if it's for me. Why did he do that?

I can defend myself, there's no need for him to interfere and punch someone else's face because of me. He just made a scene inside with all our professors and classmates watching him. We are now walking across the grand hall and heading to the back garden in our university. He suddenly let go of my hand and faced me.  

"Now let's talk, young lady." Vince' voice is so cold it makes me want to cry. Why do I feel like a little child? And I hate feeling like this when I'm with him that I really wanted to shout at him. 

"You! Why did you do that?" I lashed out at him. 

"Don't you turn the scene on me Eunice! You were harassed by that man, for God's sake!" He's really shouting and I can see that he's overly angry. I didn't see him like this before. 

"Come on, Vince. We were just dancing and I can defend myself. You just stole the moment from me." I told him in a gentler tone. I don't want him to be mad at me. I'm not used to it. 

"Huh! If I didn't arrive at the right time, God knows what that bastard might have done to you!" Gosh! He's just overreacting. 

"Why are you so mad at me? Can't you just calm down and let's talk another time? You're drunk. I want to go home. I don't think I still have the energy to argue with you." I tried to walk past him but he just grabbed my hand again and never let go of me. I can smell that he's also drunk.  

"Yeah, you're always like that Eunice. You always try to avoid confrontations. Aren't you tired of it? I want to talk to you NOW!"

Masquerade Ball 


When the years are showing on my face

and my strongest days are gone

when my heart and flesh depart this place

from a life that sung your song 

You'll still be the one I want

You'll still be the one I want

You'll still be the one I want

You'll still be the one I want

"Eunice." Vince' voice brought me back to the present time. 

It's hard to know what's been running on his mind. He looked so sad while looking at me, it's as if he is in agony for so many years and how I really wanted to ease that pain. If only I can have the courage to express what I am feeling for him. I almost stop breathing when I heard what he's saying. 

"What happened that night, I..."

I put my forefinger over his lips to stop him from talking. He was just a good observer earlier and now he's also a mind reader. How did he know what I was thinking? Suddenly, I feel dizzy. He can't possibly remember that, he's drunk.

Don't be stupid, Eunice. Of course, he'll remember that. You can't just forget it because of Von. 

"I want to rest now. Can we sit down?"

I let go of his hold and turn away from him, but he just grabbed my hand again and led me to our table. Ian and Margaux are already there, having a lively conversation. Vince pulled out a chair for me to sit on. I sat down because I feel my knees wobbling. Ian turned to me and asked if I'm okay. I just nodded at him and get a drink when I saw Vince watching me intently.

Ugh! I need to get out of here.

I noticed that Ian is still talking with Margaux so I guess I'll just left him here. I stood up and the three of them looked at me. 

"Where are you going, babe?" Ian asked. 

"I think I'll call it a night. I am not feeling well." I answered him. He immediately stood up and grabbed my arm. 

"Okay, guess you better rest now. I'll help you get to your room." He said and turned to face the two. 

"Excuse us, guys. Let's meet up tomorrow morning for the challenge. Vince, please do make this lady here enjoy her stay in your hotel." Vince stood up as Ian reached his hand for a handshake then we bade our goodbyes.

I don't think I can sleep tonight with what happened earlier. I'm afraid I won't be able to face him again tomorrow. But I am here now, and I got tired of escaping. It's about time for me to accept the fact that I can't just ignore his presence. Memories from that night came rushing in again much as I wanted not to think about it.

I can hear Vince' voice ringing inside my head. 

"Yeah, you're always like that Eunice. You always try to avoid confrontations. Aren't you tired of it? I want to talk to you NOW!"  

"I'm tired, Vince. Let's just go home." I told him trying to break his grasp. 

"Huh! You're really good at''s Amanda."

I was about to leave when I heard him sob and kneeled down on the ground. So this is all about that girl. He was drunk because of her and now fighting me because of her. I thought it was all because of that jerk at the ball, and here I am thinking all along that he's worried about me. Didn't he think how much it hurts me? Oh Vince, what am I going to do with you? I slowly walked towards him and bent down to hold his shoulders.

Yeah, this is what he wants me to be, his best friend. I am his listener, adviser, a shoulder to cry on, and a comforter. You can say that I'm a masochist for being like this, but I can't help it. I simply love my best friend and I don't mind hurting myself just to see him well and happy. 

"Just let her go, Vince."

What else should I say? I am just here, and I will do anything just to make you happy. Can I possibly tell him that? 

I let him hugged me and cried his heart out and helped him to stand up after a few minutes. He's drenched with tears now as well as my dress. I led him out of our university and hailed a taxi. As we're riding home, he laid his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes. I don't think he'll talk about her again. I told the driver the address of Vince's flat. I can't afford to send him in their house because his parents would surely ask me lots of questions. I'll just call my mom that I'll be staying at Mia's house tonight. I can't face my mom with me looking like this, drunk and all.

When we arrived, I woke him up and helped him towards his unit. He gave me his keycard and we went inside. I tossed my purse in the couch as we walked to his room. I turned the lights on and led him to his bed. When I was about to leave, he then grabbed my hand that makes me tumble on top of him. 

"Don't leave me, Eunice. Please stay, I need you now."

He said while looking at me pleadingly. I froze; I've never been this so close to him before. And it sent quite an unexplainable shiver down my spine being this near to him. I don't know what happened next but all I can remember is that I'm responding to his kisses.

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