Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Good morning, mom!" I wiped my eyes and looked at my son's face as he climbed up on my bed and still wearing his pajamas. I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it's only been six o'clock in the morning and he's already up early. I sat up and yawned, then grabbed him. Enclosing him with my warmth. As much as possible, I really wanted to feel my son, to let him know how much I care for him. Specially now that he's going to see his dad. I know that from now on, Vince will become a constant part of my son's life. And even if I don't want to, Vince will do everything to get to my son.

"Good morning, pumpkin. How was your sleep?" I sleepily asked him. I bet he is too excited to meet his dad and that is today. I silently groaned. I slept late last night thinking about Vince's offer. Von laid his head on my chest and looked at me through his lashes.

"I dreamt of him last night, Mom. He was happy to see me. Then he brought me to the park and we played baseball there." He answered me, smiling the whole time he speaks. It's the first time that I saw my son this happy talking about his dad even if he haven't met Vince. He only saw Vince's picture last night. He did not stop asking me for it until I handed him my wallet with his dad's picture. It was taken so many years ago when we were still young and were the best of friends. Von excitedly pulled out the picture and looked at it the entire night. I even saw him still holding it even when he's asleep when I visited his room before I went out to bed.

For years, I wasn't able to see how happy he would be if he knew his dad. I thought that it was really fine for him to just have his Granny and me. But there are happenings in life that we cannot control. And one of mine is that meeting Vince again and him knowing about our son.

"Are you...ready to meet your dad?" I slowly asked him. He nodded. Then I frowned when I looked at him.

"Will he be happy to see me just like in my dream?" He asked, doubtfulness in his voice. I can see that he is nervous too about Vince's reaction. I silently chuckled. How can they really be so alike?

"Of course, honey. He is excited to see you too." I smiled at him. Hoping that our meeting with Vince this afternoon will end up just fine.

"Do you think so, Mom?" He rose up his little brows; worry lines visible on his face. I touched his face trying to erase those lines.

"Yes, everybody loves you, pumpkin. You are so adorable to resist." I smiled at him and started to tickle him. His laughter filled the room as he struggled to get away from me. Von's laughter is music to my ears. Seeing my son this happy and so alive calmed my nerves. I know that I'm ready whatever happens next.


Lunch time when I called Vince and told him where we are staying right now. He wasn't even shocked when he learned about it. No doubt that he really did some research about us. It only made sense why he was so intent on filing a case for Von's custody. Because he already knew where we are.

"Mom, what time is he coming?" Von asked me while eating his favorite salad. He looked more relax right now than earlier.

"In less than an hour or so, honey. So you better finish that one then go to your room and change your clothes." He merrily ate his salad, drank his orange juice and then he stood up.

"Finished, mom!" He said beaming at me and ran towards his room.

"Don't forget to brush your teeth!" I shouted at him and received a loud yes from him before closing his door.

"He's just too excited, today." Observed my mom. I looked at her and just smiled. She's preparing Vince's favorite, her special macaroons. Vince and I used to steal mom's cookies before while watching our favorite cartoons in our living room. Silently eating it while hiding the cookie jar under the couch. Mom would always know back then that we were the ones who have taken it. She baked those for her colleagues and she would just glare at us every time she caught us. Then Vince would always praise her macaroons and then she wasn't angry anymore. I sighed. Those were the days, Eunice.

"How about you? Have you decided yet?" I looked at mom. She knows about Vince's offer.

"I guess." She reached for my hand and squeezed it.

"Just follow your heart, Eunice. You deserve to be happy." I smiled at mom and hugged her.

Vince arrived at exactly three o'clock. My son was suddenly silent when he finally saw his dad. Vince was quite stunned for a moment. It's as if the two were trying to see through each other. Same color of eyes staring at each end. They're likeness is undeniable. And I can't help myself from crying when Vince kneeled down and Von finally ran towards him.

"Daddy!" Von squealed with joy. Vince just held him there for a long time. Hugging and kissing his son at the same time. A sight I never thought would be possible until today. Mom slowly grabbed me and snaked her arm around my shoulder. Mist of tears in her eyes. I know that she's also happy about this reunion. I can barely hear Vince's sob.

I looked at him and saw the uncontrollable joy in his eyes. He hugged Von more tightly and then he looked at me.

"Thank you." He mouthed at me. I nodded trying to smile at him.

"Just give it a try, Eunice." I looked at mom when I heard her whisper that. I know what she means. And I can feel a little bit of hope rose from inside my heart. Should I give it a try? Is there any possibility that we can live together as a happy family? Should I say yes to Vince's offer without me knowing what will happen after the wedding?

Lots of questions fill my mind. What I am about to do will change my whole life and my son's life. But one thing is for sure, I can't let this chance again pass me by.

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