Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

At exactly 7 PM, I heard a knock on my door.  I slightly opened it and found Ian standing behind.  He’s wearing a black tuxedo; he looked so gorgeous in it.  He smiled and I opened the door wide.

“Wow! You are so beautiful I could kiss you right now.” He said intently staring at me.

“Thanks.  I’ll just get my mask and I’m ready to go.” I walked away from him and went to the center table where I left my mask.

“Okay.” He said not taking his eyes away off of me.  I doubt if he will look at me that way if he knows that I already have Von.  I grabbed my purse from the sofa and headed back to the door.

“Let’s go.” I said to him.  I looked at the mirror by the wall as I crossed toward the door.  He took my hand and put it in his arm.  We walked along the hallway and went inside the elevator.  I can feel my heart beating accelerated and I can’t help but think about the possibility that I’m going to see Vince at the party.  But there’s no turning back now, I tried to relax myself, anticipating a very long night.  I’ll just try to enjoy this party and be ready with the inevitable.

When we reached the ground floor, the elevator opened and we came across some guests entering it.  Ian took my hand and guided me toward the grand hall.  A man standing by the door opened it for us, we got in and I found some familiar faces in the show business, I saw the newest rocker in town surrounded by some eager girls that were really looked fascinated by him.  Then, there’s that sexy actress from one of the controversial movie released this year with her clingy boyfriend I guess almost hugging her in this public place.  Yeah, right, so much for hiding in this place, these people doesn’t really care what other people might say about them, they don’t even bother to wear their masks. 

Ian guided me to the table near a makeshift stage.  Probably, someone will make some announcements tonight.  He pulled a chair and let me sit down on it.  I said my thanks and surveyed the area.  I looked occasionally at the door, praying that I won’t be seeing Vince entering the hall, though it’s going to be hard for me to notice him with a mask.  But certainly I could tell if it’s him, I’ve known him almost all my life for me not to recognize him anywhere.  The hall has been filled with people after several minutes, and everyone’s wearing at their best.  Ian offered me to get a drink and I said yes.  It’s uncharacteristic of him to be quiet for a while now.  He’s been busy with his phone and I wonder who he is talking to.  He stood to grab our drinks from a waiter passing by our table, and he gave me one of it.  It’s champagne; I took a sip and put it at the table after. 

“Babe, are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?” Ian asked using that endearment again.

“Will you stop calling me that? Someone could hear you.” I’ve been asking him that many times now and he’s not really listening.

“Why? The people here won’t care about it.  With your looks tonight, I don’t think they can recognize you.  And hey, you’re wearing a mask.” He said grinning at me.

“Sure.  But definitely, someone here might know you and would think that I’m your girl.  I don’t want to be the cause of breaking someone else’s heart.” He chuckled.

“You know what; you’re really cute when you’re acting like that.  It’s certainly one of the many things I like about you, babe.  You’re so kind hearted.” I didn’t bother to answer him 'coz I can see him right now.  Vince.  He looked dashing and overly handsome with his white tux, even though he’s wearing a mask, I know it’s him. My heart tells me so, and it’s beating frantically right now as he walked across the room heading to our direction. My mind is racing with my emotions; I don’t know what to do. Certain things came to my mind, what if he recognized me? What if he will just drag me out of here and forced me to talk about us? But as he approached, he stopped at one of the table near us. I barely noticed that I’ve been holding my breath when Ian tapped my arm.

“Hey babe, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” He asked. I even forgot that he is right beside me now. I tried hard not to look at Vince’s direction. 

“Uhm, yeah Ian, I’m fine. Can we eat now?” I asked even though I don’t know if I can eat at this state. I just grabbed my champagne and drained it knowing that I’ll need another drink after this one. So I ask Ian to get it for me, he definitely obliged and raised his hand to call the waiter’s attention. I think I’m just over reacting here, maybe Ian’s right.  Vince won’t recognize me with my mask on, but can I truly rely on this mask? Oh my! I tried my best to calm myself and ignore the fact that Vince is just behind me. Why did I even say yes to this party? Now, I’ll just bear this one and endure a very maddening evening.

At around 7:30, the dinner has been served. Ian managed to get our food for both of us; maybe he realized that I’m not quite comfortable around these people. I’m so glad that he’s being a gentleman this evening. After a few moments, I saw Vince heading on the center stage and grabbed the microphone to make some announcement. He surely looked like a businessman tonight, and certainly a shrewd one. I really wonder how he ended up like this, and I’m very happy for him. I’m sure lots of things happened after I left him which makes me realized that maybe leaving him wasn’t a bad decision after all.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our annual masquerade ball.” Vince started his speech. All eyes are on him, as I watch Vince I can see some of Von’s features from his father. They really looked the same. Anybody that could see the two together would surely think them as father and son. Crap! I need to control my thoughts, but I just can’t help it.  This guilt feeling is really eating me now with him just a few steps away from me.

“I am very glad to have you all here and joined this party tonight. Most of you probably thought that this party is just a welcoming one, but I am happy to announce that we are giving you an extra challenge while staying in our hotel.  Everyone is invited to join and hopefully you will find time to share this kind of event for the first time with us. The game requires two members as a team, so take your time now to find your partner. Tomorrow, our staffs will be distributing leaflets at your doorstep for the instructions.  Please do enjoy the Euni’q Quest Challenge and get the ultimate prize.  A one-week European Cruise is waiting for you. Enjoy the rest of the night guys.”

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