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The next day was just the same, boring to boringer. Everyday you have to do this and that. School, school, Zayn, school, Zayn's friends, school and Zayn again. No sign of the YT (Yoda thief) the whole day and its sorta weird. Though I can't stop thinking of her the whole time but that does not mean I have have a crush on her already.

After class, I go to the park and head to the bench where I was seated yesterday. I pull out my book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, I've read it like a thousand times though. Its my favorite from the series.

I wait for YT while reading. Checking my watch as time pass by. The sun sets already and she isn't still here. Maybe she just tricked me cause she's Zayn's little girl. They want to play games uh? I pack my things up, ready to go home. Suddenly,

" Where are you going?" She ask sitting beside me, holing both sides of my shoulder.

" H-home." I mutter.

" Sorry I'm late but then you have to come with me. No cuts, No buts, No coconuts. Okay?" I chuckle at her wordings, it looks like when watched wreck it Ralph and made it as a quote.

" Where a-are we gonna go?" I ask as she leads me by holding my arms.

" Somewhere."

We reach a motorcycle which is for cool guys only and not for me. She hops on which is terribly hot.

" Stop staring and hop on." She laughs lowly. I ride awkwardly. I don't know if I'll hold her waist or what her shoulder. I end up holding her shoulder which is earn by a laugh.

" You are one cute lad." I blush at her words. I put my hand back on her shoulder but then she holds my hands and put them on both sides of her waist. It looks like I'm hugging her which made me blush.

She starts driving, making her hair slap my face because of the air. I smile and look at the streets. Its a beautiful view at night, the lights are on and everything is just perfect. Its my first time to ride a motorcycle which makes it more fun. I smile from ear to ear, it feels like a new feeling of happiness.

As we reach a clinic which is weird because its dentistry.

" W-Why are we h-here?" I ask as we enter the clinic.

A man that looks thirty years old and above welcomes us with that beautiful teeth of his. I think he's the dentist here because he's wearing the uniform of a dentist.

" Nice seeing you X." The man says hugging YT. X? That's weird for a name.

" Nice seeing you Dan." They bother let go of each other. I smile at the man as he smiles back.

" So, do we have a costumer or your boyfriend?" He ask and I blush.

" He isn't my boyfriend but he's your costumer." She says and I was shock at her words.

" N-no?" I look at her and she gives me wink before pushing me to sit. " I-"

" Shush your mouth Henry. Don't worry, I'll pay everything just shush and I'll give you your Yoda." She mutters and whispers something to Dan before leaving me with him.

" Relax boy. I'll just remove your braces and you'll be fine and all." He speaks arranging some dentist tools.

" I c-ca-"

" Shush your mouth Henry." Dan says letting me lay back on the chair.


" I'll admit you loom better without those braces." Dan says with a smile. I look at the mirror and smile seeing no braces on my teeth.

" Um... Thanks." I said pushing my glasses up with my thumb. I don't know if I'm gonna thank him and YT, when my mums gonna get mad at me when I get home.


We should show this to your girlfriend." He says and I blush without saying any word.

We walk out of the small room and to lounge where YT is. She's reading some sort of magazine which is for kids.

She looks up at us with a smile which makes me smile back showing my dimples. She stands up and walks in front of us giving me that stare and smile.

" You look nice." She compliments still with the beautiful smile.

" T-Thanks." I grin. We both stare at each others eyes, smiling like idiots. The feeling at her looking at me was some sort of weird and foreign.

" Okay, where's my payment now." Dan ask breaking our intense stare.

" Uh yeah. Here." She chuckles looking down. She hands her the money and give him a last hug before saying our goodbyes.

" Um... I s-should go h-home now." I said stuttering as always. Stuttering one of my problems, I always stutter at my words that's why people hate me so much.

" I'll give you a ride." She offers.

" No, t-thank you. Y-you've a-already g-gave me a lot." I said with a smile. She smiles then nods.

She drives away leaving me standing alone. And here we go again. I slap my face repeatedly making it a little hurtful.

" Stupid." I mumble as I stared waling to our way home.

That wasn't nice at all. She's a stranger and she gave you a free removal of your brace which will make your mum go crazy when the time you get home, she'll ask you ' Where did you go?' 'Its late and where's your braces?' ' I told you you'll remove it on your 18th birthday uh.'. Mum is mum so no questions about that. The thing is how will I explain it? If I tell her I met a girl in my room last Sunday, she came from my window and she didn't tell her name Now she just brought me to the dentist to remove my braces and have my Yoda back cause she stole it.

" Shit!" I slap my face one last time. The Yoda figure. How come I forgot about that.

As I reach our house, my thoughts are still thinking of an explanation. I knock at the door several forgetting we had a doorbell. Ah! I'm nervous. I press the doorbell and the door opens revealing my mum with that angry look. Here we go...

" Where did you go?" She ask sternly.

" Somewhere." I answer as I enter the house.

" Its already late and where's your braces?" She questions crossing her arms.

" Um... I removed it. I w-went to the dentist cause it hurts. The dentist removed it." I lie. I'm terrible at lies.

" I told you you'll remove it on your eighteenth birthday." She says, eyeing me curiously.

" Yeah, but it um, hurts a lot." I lie, she didn't believe me. " I'll go to my room now."

I go up to my room before she can say anything. I put my back down on my desk and jump on my bed, removing my shoes.

I stare at the stars on my ceiling. Did I just really removed my braces? With a stranger? I hold my mouth thinking of the thought. I touch my teeth not feeling any braces. I smile.

My mind quickly wonder over the girl and tomorrow. Tomorrow, Zayn and his friends will probably talk about me and my removed braces. Then there's YT, who is still unknown. I want to ask her a lot of questions, I mean a lot like what's her name? Why is she in my room at 1 am in the morning? What's her fave color? Etcetera.

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