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The next day was just the same, the only thing is that I saw YT in the library after class. Only a few students are in the library, some students say that its boring here though they were wrong. YT's reading some sort of history book. Without thinking, my feet walk me towards her.

" Your boring." I spoke. That was a bit weird.

She looks up at me with a smile, motioning me to sit beside her.

" Boring is awesome." She chuckles.

" Wha-what are you r-reading?" I sit beside her as she reads.

" Some sort of history book about world wars. Its pretty boring actually, but I have to read it for tomorrow." She says, lowering her voice. " Plus I'm not boring I just need to have high grades as Yoda have said In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way!" She spoke with a manly voice I laugh loudly that people gave us the shh sound.

" Sorry." I murmur then laugh lowly.

" So what's up Henry? You're so into reading I see. When I was a junior like you I used to sneak out of the house and go to parties that I'm not even invited." She chuckles looking at me in the eyes. I've never sneak out nor get invited to a party. Its not a question that YT is a party girl, she looks like a one night stand thing but I have a feeling she isn't like that which makes me more curios.

" You a-aren't a j-junior?" I ask. She looks young to be older than me plus I'm a bit taller than her which makes her look like a junior.

" What do you expect I'm a freshmen?" She laughs sarcastically. " I'm a senior, you're just tall and all but I'm older than you young man."

" I thought-t y-you're a j-junior actually." I sheepishly say as she turn to another page.

" Why do you always stutter? Are you afraid of me or something?" She ask and I pursed my lips. My mouth is a broken machine that speaks broken words people do not understand. I have a stuttering problem which isn't really a bad thing, its a terrible one. When I speak in front of a crowd my tongue is tied which makes me a embarrassed. Its also a problem in school reporting cause I can't speak properly the way others do though my condition only happens to people that I am shy or afraid of. In YT's case, I'm shy being with her. She's like the opposite me. Though my feet keeps bringing me next to her.

" Don't be shy in front of me." She gave me a reassuring smile and head back to reading. I smile and blush at the same time. Did she just read my mind?

" I'm curious about these wars. They fight when they have mouths to talk about their shits." She says turning to another page. " But then you'll just realise that there's no iPhone before to chat their arguments on."

I chuckle. I stare at her  while she reads. My lips forming a smile as everything slows down. Her beauty empowering the whole room.

" Stop staring." She laughs blushing. Woah! Did I just make a girl blush?!

" I made YT blush." I whisper to myself. That is one accomplishment for me, making a girl blush.

" YT? You call me YT?" I blush at what she heard.

" N-No, I-Its j-ust,... I don't kno-ow your name."

She giggles. " But first, what's YT?"

Will I tell her or no, its embarrassing to call her like that though. " Its Y-yoda..."

" Yoda what?" She ask raising her brows.

" Y-Yoda Th-thief." Then she laughs so hard that the students on the other seat shush us once again.

" Sorry." She mutters. " Those guys have huge ears, don't they?"

We both laugh and they gave us another shush as we laugh quietly.

" So back to the YT thing. Its cool though, just call me that."

" W-what's your r-real name?" I finally ask her. She smirks which is a terrible thing.

" I told you Darth Vader would get mad." I frown, not getting what I want. " Don't frown, its terribly cute." I blush at her words.

" This, I won't tell you my name but you need to find it out yourself. I need to go." She says standing up from her seat. She runs out of the library without saying any goodbyes.
She's gone again. She left me with another mystery to answer. I need to know her, I need to know if she's real or whatsoever she is.

I grab the book she left open. There's a piece of paper between it. I grab the paper and read what's written.

Meet me @ Corona Garden
Saturday 1 pm 

I put the paper in my pocket. I decided to borrow the book YT just read. Maybe I could read it to have extra knowledge.

I head home, the book in my hand. As I walk down the street my mind wonders, what is her name? Is it Pauline?, Dory?, Nemo?, Joy?, Laura? I don't know my mind's all rumbled up. How can I know her name when there's billions of name to choose from?

I saw the dentist who removed my braces. He's sitting on the a bench waiting for something or someone. Our eyes met and he gave me a smile. I walk up to him.

The sky is tinted with the colors of red and orange which is a nice scenery. I sit down a few meters away on the bench where he's seated.

" So what brings you here, Henry?" He ask showing his shiny white teeth.

" I-I'm just g-gonna a-sk w-what's her n-name." I play with the end of my sleeve. Its a bit embarrassing that I can't speak clearly to people. My mum worries a lot though I speak to her properly, even to Zayn before. I can speak to people I know but to strangers, I can't.

" Who? You mean X?" He looks at me curiously. I nod.

He chuckles before answering. " That girl is unknown. No one knows her truly, not even her real name."

" W-Why do you c-call her X?"

" I call her X cause she wanted me to call her that way. Everyone who knows her calls her X. I mean by everyone, the whole street knows her as the nicest, coolest, and gorgeous girl though her name is still unknown."

" Do y-you k-know where she-she's living?"

" I don't know, no one knows. She'll talk to you then disappear. You know what I mean by that." He shrugs.

I didn't speak to him anymore and just stare at the street. The lights of every home are on which is a beautiful view. The lampposts lights the whole street.

" If you meet her again, stare into her eyes and read what's in her soul." He said as he walks away with a smirk.

I just stare at his every step. I sigh deeply as I head back on walking home.

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