Chapter 2

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Cooper's head felt like it was about to explode when the cool summer sun shining through the opened window forced him to open his heavy eyes. He groaned, reaching out his arm to pull Amber into his chest just like he always did. His hand fell and landed on the soft mattress with a light thump, his fingers now curling around the clean white sheets where she had once lay.

"Amber?" He choked, shooting up and into a seated position as fear kicked in.

"Amber?" He called out, louder this time.

He could feel drops of cold sweat gather on his forehead, the tips of his fingers tremble and the muscles in his chest tighten. There was only one other time in his life when he felt like this - when he felt a sudden rush of panic that seemed to wipe away any rational thought he had - when he his mother walked out on him and his brother.

Cooper could remember how his mum would always tell him that she would keep him safe, safe from the dangers of the world. She had failed him, and she had failed to mention that the biggest danger he would face in life would be himself. She used to sing him to sleep and tell him the anger he felt was just a silly little phase that he would grow out of, but he never did. In fact age only increased the anger he felt because each year he would lose another person and each year he would lose hope. She also promised him that she would never leave and she did, so maybe everything she had ever told him was a complete and utter lie.

Scrambling to his feet, Cooper pulled a t-shirt over his head and hurried towards the stairs. He couldn't quite understand why his mind was telling him that she had left him, but it was. It was screaming at him, taunting him and pushing him to run. By the time he had reached the bottom of the stairs he was panting heavily, his heart now pounding against his chest., his breaths so heavy that he couldn't hear the chatter coming from the kitchen. He skidded around the corner and came to an abrupt halt when he saw multiple pairs of eyes on him - Amber's included. He breathed in a breath of relief and then stepped back in embarrassment, aware of how flustered and confused and frightened he looked.

Amber stepped forward and placed her mug of tea down on the table. She looked up at him with worry in her puppy like brown eyes, and choked. He looked like he had just woken up from a horrifying nightmare - nightmares she knew he had. There had been many nights when he would wake up in a state of panic, struggling to breath. But every time she asked what his nightmares were about he simply shrugged and told her it was nothing for her to worry about.

"Cooper, are you ok?" She asked in a soft and gentle voice, almost like she was talking to a delicate child.

"I'm fine." He whispered, feeling the back of his throat ache. "I just - I thought you had - never mind. It's fine."

"Are you sure?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side. "You don't look well."

"I said I'm fine." Cooper breathed out, trying his best not to snap. "What time is it anyway?"

Usually he wouldn't allow himself to sleep in so late, but last night had drained him both mentally and physically.

"It's four." Zayn grumbled, speaking to Cooper for the first time in months.

Cooper's eyes glared over at the boy who was now looking back at him with concern, as though he knew something that Cooper didn't, as though he feared for Cooper more than Cooper feared for himself. Scarlet was beside him, smiling at Cooper with a smile that seemed somewhat forced and he knew why. She was worried too, but Cooper didn't think there was anything for them to worry about. He was fine. Completely fine.

Nodding, Cooper stumbled backwards and ignored the uneasy stares that were now being forced upon him. "I need to go and get ready. I'm meeting Callum in an hour."

Nothing Like Us (Sequel to Boys Like You) *Not Mine*Where stories live. Discover now