Billy Cook One Shot

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This is not Nothing Like Us, it is just a one shot to describe Billy Cook's character better because he is complex. You do not have to read if you don't want to.

Bleeding Scars: A Billy Cook One-shot.


If you're reading this that probably means I'm not dead. I'll let you decide by the end of this if that's a good thing or not. In my mind, it's not, but you may think differently once you hear the full story. I should probably start by introducing myself...I'm Billy Cook, and I'm a cunt.

I was seven years old when I first caught my mum cheating on my dad, of course back then I was clueless as to what it actually meant and was easily kept quiet by the promise of chocolate. But then, exactly four weeks ago today I caught her again. I walked in on her with someone who couldn't have been much older than I am. How sick is that? How fucked up, is that? I didn't say anything. I just stood there, frozen and cold, choking on my own breath. See, my dad is one of the good guys. He's nice to everyone, and the thought of someone hurting him, hurts me more than anything else ever could.

And that's just the beginning. See, I have three best friends. Two boys and one girl. Callum, I've known him since the day I was born. Our mums were best friends and so are we. Coincidence really, since his mum turned out to be a soulless bitch too. To sum it up, he knows me better than I know myself, which isn't really all that hard seen as I have no idea who I am most of the time. Then there is Jake, Callum and I met him in high school and I instantly liked him. He's trouble, just like me. Though he's trouble in the cool and kind of sexy way, I just get myself into a lot of trouble because I have a really big mouth and don't know when to close it. Then there's Delilah. My Delly. See, here is the problem. She's in love with me, and I don't really know if I feel those things back, but I do know that I don't want to feel them back. I don't want to be in love. I don't want to be someone's boyfriend and I certainly don't want to hold someone's heart in my hands. I don't want to have that power - the power to break someone so easily. And it happens, I see it everyday. I see people hurting the people they are supposed to love. It's all I see. People lie and they cheat and they behave selfishly. It never stops.

Sometimes she tells me that she loves me, and usually when she does she is crying, because like I said at the very beginning, I am a cunt. But I never say it back. I haven't said I love you to a single soul since I was seven years old. Since I unknowingly caught my mum cheating on my dad. Since my heart broke for the very first time.

I bet by now you are thinking two things. One: He is a whiny, self-centered teenager with no real problems. Two: Surely that has to be it? Well, sorry to disappoint but there is more. See, I've been gone from home for a while, visiting my grandmother who is sick, and if the doctors are right she doesn't have much longer to live. And Delilah, well she lives across the road from my gran with her mum, dad and older brother Finn. Finn, well he kind of scares me, but that's only because he is obsessed with being like his big cousin Cooper, who really is quite terrifying.

While I was there, we spent the most amazing two weeks together as friends, of course. But then I got home, met up with Jake and got drunk...and he told me that last year he slept with Delilah. You're probably thinking I have no right to be upset, and maybe you are right. And truth be told, I don't know if I'm upset because I love her, or if I'm just upset because two of my closest fiends in the world spent a whole year lying to my face. And if she loves me, really loves me, then why would she sleep with my best friend?

I woke up to the now familiar sound of angry screams, but by now I had managed to block out the words and only heard a loud, scraping echo instead. Wincing, I threw my hand up to block out the sun that now burned my weak and tired eyes. Sighing heavily, I turned onto my side to see a dark pair of eyes staring back at me with need. I reached my hand out, patting the top of his sandy colored hair and groaned.

Nothing Like Us (Sequel to Boys Like You) *Not Mine*Where stories live. Discover now