Chapter 14

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Dylan didn't have time to scream or cry, he was suddenly yanked back and forced down onto the floor, his face pressed against the cold concrete. He struggled, trying to fight off the masked man holding him down, but he was too weak. He screamed out, tears finally filling his eyes when he looked up and saw his mum enter the room, her whole body trembling in fear as she sobbed uncontrollably, screaming out when she saw her husbands lifeless body on the ground.

"Mu-" Dylan froze, watching on as another man dressed in all black with a white mask covering his face step out behind his mother, pressing the tip of his gun to the back of her head.

"No!" Dylan screamed out, desperately trying to pull free, to run to her, but he couldn't. "Let her go!"

"Mum!" He screamed, lashing out at the man holding him down with a firmer grip now, jamming his foot into his chest, making it harder for the young boy to breathe. "P-Please." He begged, pleading for his mothers life, reaching out for her helplessly. "Please, please don't."

"D-Dylan...listen to me, baby. It's going to be alright, everything is going to be alright. All you have to do is look after your little sister, okay?" Dylan nodded his head, choking as he allowed his tears to fall freely, watching on as she closed her eyes over, preparing herself for what came next. "I love you." He whispered, crying out on pain when he saw her too, fall to the ground.

"I bet daddy didn't prepare you for this." The mask man's voice was mumbled as he laughed, and that's the last thing Dylan heard before everything began to blur.

"Dad! Dad, come on." A ten-year-old Billy Cook whined, pulling on his dads hand impatiently. "Dylan's going to teach me how to play football."

Laughing, Peter Cook quickened his walk. "Is it Dylan you're excited to see, or is it Daisy?" He teased his son.

Billy scrunched up his nose. "What?"

"She's very pretty, don't you think?" His dad teased again, looking down at his son lovingly.

Nodding, Billy smiled. "Yes, she is, but we're just friends, remember? Besides, I'm going to marry Delilah."

Shaking his head in amusement, Peter laughed, smiling as his son did. "Right, sorry, I forgot."

"It's because you're getting old, dad." Billy joked, letting go of his dads hand as they came to a stop outside of the old-fashioned house. "You're starting to forget things."

Billy had always loved the Rodriguez' household. It was always filled with laughter and joy, the complete opposite from his own home. His home was filled with screams and anger, heartbreak and sadness.

Billy Cook had always been an odd child. He was smart beyond his years and often showed signs of insanity. He had the mind of a genius and the heart of an angel, but his soul was damaged and his world was black. He looked at the world through eyes no young boy should, he looked at the world and only saw the bad. And punished himself for not being able to make it good.

"Go, go get Dylan." His dad encouraged, pushing open the front door.

Billy ran inside, football tucked under his arm as he called out his older friends name, but he got no reply. He froze, suddenly feeling a chilling coldness in the air. He felt it and he knew what it meant instantly, it was the feeling of death. He hurried down the hallways, ignoring his dad as he called out to him. Upon hearing a loud, echoing sob, he dropped the ball and began to run once again, heading for the open door at the end of what seemed like a never ending hallway.

He skid into the room, coming to a quick and sudden stop when he saw both bodies on the floor, their faces now covered in black markings, making it look like they were smiling. He knelt down beside them, feeling eerily calm, and gently closed over their open eyes - that still held a look of shock and terror - silently praying to a god that he didn't believe in.

Nothing Like Us (Sequel to Boys Like You) *Not Mine*Where stories live. Discover now