Chapter 12

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Limping ever so slightly, Callum hurried to the corner of the street, duffel-bag in hand. He looked up, tapping his foot against the kerb as darkness seeped in. It was only a matter of moments that passed before he could see Jake's black Audi zoom around the corner, and he couldn't help but smile when he saw Billy speeding down the hill on his classic skateboard with a rucksack on his back.

As Jake pulled up in front of him, Callum smiled weakly and pulled open the door to the back of the car, forcing his beaten body into the back seat, sighing in relief when his muscles relaxed. Skidding to an abrupt stop, Billy kicked his skateboard up and caught it in his hands, pounding his fist against the back window, gesturing for Jake to open the trunk.

"Why does he ride that stupid thing when he has a car?" Jake mumbled, laughing at his friend as he struggled to open the trunk up with one hand.

"Take your time Billy boy, breathe and focus." Callum mocked, looking over his shoulder just as the trunk swung open and up, allowing Billy to force his skateboard into what little space wasn't taken up.

Pursing his lips, Billy looked at Callum and sniggered. "You look nice and purple, it really brings out the blue in your eyes." Billy teased, referring to the bruising under Callum's eyes.

Chuckling lowly, Callum shook his head. "Can't say the same for you, bud. Try not getting hit in the face tonight, yeah?"

"The two of you are idiots." Jake laughed, rolling his hazel eyes. "Billy, get in here."

Closing the trunk over, Billy sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he made his was around to the passenger side. Slamming the door shut behind him, he reached behind his back and pulled off his rucksack, placing it on his lap.

"So how did you find Troy?" Callum asked, wincing as he pushed himself forward.

"Don't ask." Billy mumbled, fumbling with the zipper of his bag. "You really, really don't want to know."

"So you found Troy, but he's not with Emma?" Jake questioned, trying to get his head around Billy's reckless plan.

"No. But he's Charlie's right hand man, right? So he's bound to go to him sooner or later, and when he does, we'll be two steps behind him." Billy grinned, pulling what looked like a black walkie-talkie from his bag.

"What the hell is that?" Callum asked, stunned.

He had always known Billy had been into gadgets, but he had always just assumed it was a silly fascination.

Handing the walkie-talkie to Callum, he nibbled down on his lower lip and forced his hand into his pocket, pulling out his phone, his eyes alight as he ferociously tapped the screen. "Gothca!" He beamed, his smile bigger than ever.

"Billy...explain, please." Callum begged, growing impatient.

"Oh, right, sorry." Billy looked up, his smiled fading when he was reminded just how serious the situation was. "So, when I finally managed to get Troy's address, I went by and watched him for a while. Then when I realized which car was his, I planted a tracking device and a microphone in there. So each move he makes and each conversation he has, we'll know about."

Jake's eyes widened in awe as Callum sat there speechless, Billy looked at them both, confused. "What?" He asked, shrugging.

"What are you? A secret member of the FBI?" Jake questioned, amazed.

"Billy!" Callum finally spoke, his voice cracking with concern. "Are you stupid? You should have told us so we could have come with you. If he had have caught you, you'd be dead."

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