Chapter 14

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hi :)
I am really happy! 208 views! Thank you awesome people! So I'll try and make this chapter 2,000 words! In honor of Alan Rickman, I will have Hermione and Draco meet Alan Rickman (not Snape) in this chapter. We miss you Alan. Thank you.
Hey so please excuse me for not writing in forever! This a/n is really long so I'll just let you read.


BANG! The noise came again, making everyone scream in terror.

"Prefects, please escort everyone back to the house common rooms to evade this disruption." Dumbledore calmly commanded. Everyone was already running around the room. "SILENCE!" he bellowed. "Follow the prefects!"

No one dared to argue.

"Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy, please follow me." he said ever so quietly. I strained to hear him, but saw Hermione nod. I figure it was safe to follow, he was just an old man right?

Dumbledore took us to his office.

"Draco, would you mind if I..." Dumbledore started as he shut the door behind us.

"No," I sharply replied.

"Good. Hermione, I assume you know of Draco's task?" he asked. I lowered my head.

"I suppose Professor, but I was only told about the Vanishing Cabinet." Hermione informed him before throwing me a glare.

"Oh, alright, sit down then." He raised his wand, and two chairs appeared in front of us. We sat. "Well, Hermione, Draco has some things to tell you. Go on."

"I...I...I'm a...Death Eater..." I quickly stuttered. She took a few moments to comprehend it, then slowly, her eyes widened.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" Hermione whipped out her wand and pointed it at me, but faced Dumbledore. "Professor! How could you not tell me?!"

Dumbledore shrugged. "It did not seem appropriate at the time." He motioned for me to explain further.

"Well," I hurriedly said. "The Death Eaters want me to prove my worth ad my allegiance to The Dark Lord. So, The Dark Lord gave me a task..."

Hermione pressed her lips in a thin line, making her look rather like McGonagall. "Continue." she demanded firmly. I felt too afraid to argue at the moment, so I nodded.

"Yeah...I guess..." I faintly responded. She shot me a glare.

"Fine, alright?" I continued. "They told me I...I had to kill Dumbledore!" I blurted out before looking away from her look of horror.

"Draco Malfoy! You are the lowest of the low! How could you?! And I suppose, you being you, you just agreed!" She sprang up from her seat and launched a hex at my head. "Anteoculatia!" Antlers appeared on my head, replacing my platinum hair with them. My hands shifted up to feel them; they felt like they were molded into me. She looked satisfied with my horrible appearance, but apparently she wasn't, since she shot a Babbling curse at me and then raised her wand yet again. I attempted to duck back into the wall; Dumbledore had confiscated my wand as we had entered, probably for this very reason. She shot a Bat-Bogey hex at me.

"AHHHH!!!!" I screamed wildly, flailing my arms everywhere. "BLAH BLAH BLAH!" Bats were fluttering around me, occasionally attacking me at their leisure.

Stupid Babbling curse...

To my surprise, this only made her double over in fits of laughter.

"That is not necessary right now, Miss Granger. But if it helps you cooperate, then I guess it can't be helped." he said laughing, making the wrinkles in his face show.

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