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"for on that day two souls would go on an adventure, an adventure that would change them both forever."


Happy Thanksgiving, Av. Sorry I can't be there to celebrate. All the love. -H

The message rang throughout the small room and the screen reciprocated her own illuminated expression. She had been reading almost the entire day, despite talking to her family over the phone to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving as well.

Surprisingly, she hadn't been the only one alone. A few other students from school passed her on the street and conversed with her at the small cafe on campus. It was far from the level of excellence that the infamous Landonbrooks possessed, but it didn't feel right to her to be there without Harry. A feeling of sadness came over her, she missed him. She missed her brown eyes meeting his green ones and the way he ran a hand through his hair when he laughed.

Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, H. Have a good one! See you soon.

She had hoped to receive a message back, slight disappointment setting in after an hours time had passed. The book in her lap had lost the current page she had stopped on. She was in great need of a journal and had hoped Harry would return sooner than his word. The Christmas movies on the tv improved her mood slightly and before she knew it she had fallen asleep to the voice of Rudolph that floated through the small and lonely apartment.


The day had come for Aviana to see Harry again, and the usual flutter in her stomach from being around him was much stronger than usual. Anticipation to feel his chest against hers made her heart surely skip a beat.

She knew she was falling into a feel hole, but she couldn't bring herself to mind. Though she hadn't known this boy for a long time, she felt like she had always had a part of him with her.

A bright array of colors painted the skyline; a drastic complement against the snow on the ground. Harry was that bright array of colors, the lovely painting of a morning sunrise; while she was the scattered layers of snow which hugged the ground. The odd yet strikingly accurate comparison slowly crept away to the back of her jumbled mind as brown eyes met a familiar frame leaning against the side of the infamous cafe.

Brown leather which was clad around his broad shoulders contrasted against the soft yellows, reds, and blues of his plaid flannel; and her breath was caught in her throat at the simplicity of him standing against the red brick looking dapper without the slightest effort made.

Her cheeks were surely painted pink, not by the cold's doing, but by the angel of a boy with chocolate curls escaping the grey beanie encamped over his head. But, nothing could compare to the smile that gleamed on his soft skin, it was... it was breathtaking.

Aviana wasn't the only one with a loss of breath; for Harry was almost positive that the world around him had come to a stop, time only remaining ticking for him and the light of his world in front of him.

She had a different look to her in that moment; the opaque pink and orange of the sky painted a delicate background for the muse, his muse, the beautiful being in front of him. Bright white jeans hugged her mercilessly beloved legs, stopping just above her bellybutton to allow the caramel colored sweater meet the edge of the white. An army green coat hung perfectly from her tiny shoulders and he couldn't help but think how fucking lucky he was to be in the presence of this angel. His angel.

Two souls reached out for each other as soon as the short girl stood in front of the ridiculously taller boy, the two souls finally connecting as he pulled her small frame into his chest, tying his arms around her as if he were the rope and she was the anchor.

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