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"for on that day the boy let her in, and she was sure she didn't want to escape."


Harry's p.o.v

The scene before my eyes was extraordinarily beautiful, but that word wasn't strong enough to describe the simple masterpiece beside me. A smile was etched into her face; she looked so luminous due to the winter rays hitting her face. The simple thought of me being the root of the glow and smile that radiated off of her made me so damn giddy.

A part of me knew it was too early to have this strong of feelings, but fuck it. She was worth it, hell, she was worth every second of my day and every thought that occupied my mind. The whole world should be hers, and the view of her sitting beside me as we drove to the first destination with the cutest damn smile on her lips as she sang softly along to the radio made me even more determined to make her my own.

I wanted her to do life with me; live in constant adventure and pure happiness. Always.

My car pulled up to the first destination, Aviana's eyes going wide at the snowy view in front of us. I set my hand on her small knee and she looked up at me with a soft smile on her lips and wide eyes. Opening my door and running to hers before she could, I opened the door to reveal her to me once more.

"Shall we?" I grabbed her hand and helped her out, closing the door for her. A soft 'thank you' was muttered before she took in her surroundings.

We stood on a small opening at the edge of a forest that was situated on the edge of a hill. Before us laid an overview of the entire city embedded in white, the trees bordering the scene beautifully. One of my favorite places- I had found it when I had gone out exploring, somehow ending up here, and now ending up here with her. Her breath came out in clouds due to the cold and a look of pure bliss was set on her face. She loved it, I could just tell.

"So, this is the first destination on my list, my dear Aviana," I started and a smirk pulled on my lips as her cheeks blushed, "I found this place when I had just moved here a few months back, you know, to explore. It looked unvisited- I mean it was a random clearing in a random woods, it seemed unique to me.

"Sometimes I come here to write in my journal, or just to clear my mind. And it just so happens to be incredibly photogenic, so I take photos here as well." I finished and looked at her to see her already staring at me. I could tell she appreciated me bringing her here- opening up to her. I had always been one to be reserved; I was always quiet in primary school and still was.

"Harry, I don't even know what to say," she breathed out and looked around once again, "It's... it's incredible. Thank you." Thank you, my mind immediately responds. Thank you for being my sunlight and all of the fucking stars in my sky- in my life.

"Also, photogenic you say?" she pondered, sauntering over to me. I nodded, a smile firm on my lips. "Well then, Mr. Styles, how about I test it out?"

She took my arm and pushed me to stand away from her, running a few yards back immediately after. I shielded my eyes from the sun with my hand and squinted my eyes to see what the hell she was doing. She held her phone up in her small hands and I quickly realised what her purpose was and smiled widely, probably looking like a complete dork, but I didn't mind and by the looks of her examining the pictures with a smile resting on her lips, I judged she didn't either.

Her small frame stood at my side again as she snapped more photos. I decided to pull mine out and join her, quietly catching a few of her as well. She didn't know, but I knew she would have blushed if she had.

"You know, I want to remember this forever," she said softly, almost as if she was talking to herself.

"Me too," I agreed and made a mental note to write this whole day down in my journal. And set one of the many pictures I knew I'd take today as my wallpaper.

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