MiniCat - (Birthday)

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A/N: It was Mini ladd's Birthday the other day! Therefore, instead of 2 H2OVanoss one shots, one H2OVanoss and one Minicat.

Craig - Mini Ladd

(Tyler's Pov)

Today is Craig's birthday. He turns 21 today and I planned a day out with him. And then end the day by telling him how much I love him. I wake up and do my morning thing and i dont get done until about noonish. So i get in my truck and drive to Craig's house. I walk up and knock on his door. He opens it and smiles when he sees me. "Happy Birthday Mini!" He smiles "Thanks man!" "Come on, I got stuff planned for today." "Okay" we get in my truck and start driving.

《Time skip to the last thing on the list cause i can》

(Still Tyler's Pov)

Me and Craig get to our last stop for today which is a bar. I mean, what 21st birthday is it without alcohol? So turns out Craig gets totally shit faced (another term for drunk off their ass for those who don't know) so I take him to his house. He is so drunk that I have to carry him up to his room. I get him to his bed and put him in it. I take his shoes off and put a blanket on him. I go to leave and he grabs my arm. I turn around "whatcha need Craig?" "Stay with me" "okay." I take my shoes and jacket off and lay down by him. By surprise he rolls by me and cuddles me. "Mmm.... I love you so much Ty. So, much." He reaches up and kisses me. Then he falls asleep. I'm left with my thoughts about what happened until the darkness consumes me.

《Fast forward to morning》

I wake up and Craig isn't by me. I smell bacon and walk downstairs to see him cooking breakfast. He turns around "Hey Tyler" "hey." I sit at the island in the kitchen and watch him. I admire his features until he looks back at me. "What are you staring at?" "Nothing, just thinking" "ok." He loos at me weird while he puts a plate a food in front of me. "Thanks" "no problem." He sits by me and we eat in silence. "Hey Craig?" "Yea?" "Do you remember anything from last night?" "Bits and pieces. Why?" "Do you remember what you did before you fell asleep?" He looks up at me and smiles. He leans in and kisses me with passion and I kiss back. He pulls away "you mean do you remember when I kissed you?" I slowly nod head. He smiles "I remember that part quite well Ty. And I'm happy I do." I lean in and kiss him again. "I love you Craig." "I love you too Tyler." I'm overjoyed right about now. He feels the same and that is the greatest feeling ever. I lean and kiss him once more and hug him we pull back and smile. "Greatest birthday gift ever. "

A/N: D'awwwww ain't that adorable? Lol. I literally wrote thing while I'm waiting in the car for my sister to get out of a doctor appointment. But here is a one shot! I hope you guys liked it!!
If you have a request, message me or comment down below. Byyyyeeeeee!! :3

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