H2OLadd - (The Epic Search)

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Jonathan - H2O Delirious
Craig - Mini Ladd

The request was: They adopt a new sister for Sparky.
Requested by: GingerRaccoon

Look how cute Sparky is up there in the media... awwwwww.

(Craig's Pov)
Currently, me and Jonathan are searching for a sister for Sparky, our dog. At midnight. We've been searching and searching for awhile but we can't seem to find the perfect one. We've been to shelters and looked on Craigslist. (I'm putting craigslist because that's where I found one of my dogs.) "Craig babe, we are having any luck. Maybe we should get some sleep and try tomorrow." "Okay love". We go up to our room and go to sleep.

Skip, I dunno maybe 16 hours? Idk. Let's say it's like 2:45pm. That works.

I was sitting at the breakfast bar (a/n: of you don't know what that is, it's a bar in your kitchen) when I hear Jon running. All of a sudden he is in front of me with the biggest smile I have ever seen. "What is it babe?" "I found us a dog" "seriously? Where? When?" "Well, I was on Facebook when I came across this page with animals up for sale and adoption. (Yes, that's a real thing.) And I looked at it and I found the perfect dog. She's perfect." "What kind of dog?" "She's a chusky. Half chow chow, half husky. Here, I'll show yiu a pic." (Pic below)

(a/n: I WANT ONE

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(a/n: I WANT ONE.)

I about died from the cuteness. "Oh my god babe, she is perfect!! You found the perfect dog." He smiled so hard. "I was sure you would. Which is why I already messaged the woman who has her and we are meeting her in about two hours to pick her up." I got up and walked around the bar and hugged him.

Skip to after they got the dog

Well we got our new dog and we both agreed that she looked like an Iris. As soon as we brought her into the house, he and Sparky got along perfectly. They live to play together and cuddle.

Me and Jon are on the couch currently cuddling and watching a movie. "You know babe, you found Sparky the perfect playmate." "I know" I smiled and leaned up to kiss him. He kissed back. Then all of a sudden we got jumped on by two dogs giving us each kisses. That night was filled with tons of laughs and kisses.

The End.

Authors Note:

Ayyyyeeeee I Updated. What?!?!! What kind of motherfucking sorcery is this???
I'm sorry about the wait guys, I've had a lot on my plate lately and I couldn't update. Hopefully I can get back to one or two updates a week but, I can't promise anything.

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoyed!!
GingerRaccoon hope you enjoyed too!!

If you have any requests, message me with it containing: ship, summary and how you want it.
That's it.
Byyyyeeeeee!! :3

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