The Winter Starts

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Winter went in and out of consciousness. He mind either too groggy or too gone to even try to move. Something in her just felt gone. Broken and shattered like a mirror.

She had enough strength to crawl and stumble underneath a maple tree whose tree tops spread over covering her.

'Father, would you notice me gone? Cora, what would you're reaction be when you find my bed empty? Raul, Are you safe? Duchess, are you trying to find me? Morgan, are you smiling as I die?' Winter could feel the tears freeze on her cheeks. 'This is ironic,isn't? I'm freezing to death.' She closed her eyes, 'I'm so sorry for not being strong enough. I'm too weak for this world.'

"Luca?!" A voice yelled out in the woods. "Where are you?!"

A howl echoed out, signalling for his master.  It was frantic and in pain.

The man who called for his wolf sprinted towards her. Either his wolf had found the deer that they were hunting or he was in trouble. He followed the wolf prints which were fresh.

He finally halted at the banks of the river which was broken and shattered. Somebody had broken the river through. For a moment, his stomach dropped thing that his wolf had fell  in.

A howl cut through his panicked thoughts, causing to whip his head towards the maple tree.

"Luca?!" He called out once more following the wolf prints.

He found his wolf underneath the maple, it's once brilliant red leaves gone. Only thick branches remained. Underneath that was his wolf, curled up and growling, as if she was protecting something or someone.

"Easy, Luca. It's just me. Easy, girl," he raising his arms and walking carefully to her. "I'm not going to do anything."

The man knew and trusted his wolf but she was still wolf who could kill him. He respected that fact and coaxed her into calming down.

The Wolf, pale and silver as the moon stopped growling but still was protective of whatever she was hiding. She shifted, showing a girl tucked away into the stomach of her fur. Cold, blue and half dead.

The man digged her out of the snow and wrapped his cloak around her immediately. First he tried to feel for a pulse which there was none. He then pressed his ear against her chest straining to hear a heartbeat over the wind and snow which was falling even faster.

The was a very faint beat that could be heard. If he could get her back to the cabin, he could save this girl.

"Good Work, Luca." He petted the wolfs soft fur and lifted the girl up in his arms. "She's alive for now but not much longer. We can hunt tomorrow," he said.

The girl was still and unmoving, the only indication of her alive was her shallow breathing.

"Hold on, snow-girl," he said, holding the girl closer, protecting her from the cold and the harsh storm that was coming their way.

When Winter fell unconscious, she felt cold and dead.

When Winter woke up, she felt warm and unusually safe.

It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to her surrounding. In the distance she could hear the cackling of the fire and the smell of food being prepared.

Her eyes opened half way and she felt immobile. Draped around her were fur blankets.

She tried to sit up but someone pushed her down gently, so that she didn't exert herself.

"......what....who....," was all she could manage.

"Easy there, snow-girl," someone said, as they tucked her back in. "You've been out for days. It's a miracle you're even alive. You would have been done in if Luca didn't find you."


"Yes. That one," her saviour face came into view. "Her name's Luca."

She noticed how the man was tall and strong but she could see into his green eyes, his kindness and heart. She had no reason to fear this red haired man.

Winter could only smile weakly. He smiled back.

"What's a pretty lass like you doing in a storm like that?"

The smile from Winter's face dropped. What could she say? Yes, this man seemed certainly kind but she wasn't that naive to trust him. He could've been working for her sister for all she knew.

"Running.....," she squeaked out.

"From family or the guards?" He asked. "You had to do something extremely dangerous or stupid to have those brutes after you."

Winter kept silent, suddenly staring at the wood burning in the fireplace.

"I see," he said. "Princess Morgan and her unruly guards?"

All Winter could do was nod.


"....I don't know......anymore."

"You poor lass," he said, petting her head. "What hell have you gone through?"

"Enough," she said fighting the tears.

"What about your name?" He sat down on a stool next to her.

"Cora," she said, thinking of her governess. "My name is Cora Retniw."

"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Miss Retniw," he smiled, warm and happy. "My name is Mason. Mason Fergal."

"Thank you for saving my life, Mason. Where am I exactly?"

"Miss Retniw, I don't know how you got here but you made it to the northwestern mountain by the Ranasa river."

"Isn't Ranasa river frozen over during the starting of the winter?"

"Yes, after that's it's completely dangerous to cross as the ice is either unstable or to fragile to pass. Everyone waits until the spring to cross back over."

"I guess I'll have to wait until spring, then."

The both of them remained quiet. Luca sat down at Winters feet and curled up savouring the heat from the fireplace. Winter tentatively stroked the wolfs alive fur admiring how soft it was.

"Luca likes you," Mason said. "I'll tell you what, Miss Cora Retniw . Since you crossed the river and nearly died, I'll let you stay here with me until the river thaws out but," he said. "You'll have to work. Do you think you can manage that?"

"I think I can, Mason." Winter said.

"Then we'll get along," he said getting up. "Goodnight, Miss Cora. Tomorrow morning were going to the village."

"Which one?"

"There's two. The Northern and the Southern. I prefer the Northern because I like the peacefulness. The Southern village isn't the safest but if need rare supplies then you go there."

"What's in the Southern village, Mason?" Winter asked curiously.

"Nothing that a girl like you would need, Cora." He ruffled her hair one more time before closing the door. "I'll let Luca stay with you tonight.  She'll keep you safe."

"," she said as she dozed back to sleep.

Mason gave one last smile before closing the door.

He checked the wood and the food stock, they were almost out of food. He had enough to make a stew that could last through the storm but once it let up, he would have to go to the Northern village to get some supplies.

Mason thought about the girl, Cora her name was. She was beautiful and fair but full of shadows, what did she go through exactly?

The didn't fall yet and there was enough time to go to the Southern village for a drink. He could use one. By foot it would take a good fifteen minutes. Luca would have gotten him there in five.

'Oh well, I need a breath of fresh anyway. A walk in the woods should clear my head.  As long as Lonan and his group don't show up, it should be fine.'

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