Secrets in the Snowy night

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Winter woke up once more, the pain in her bones subsiding and the broken pieces of her soul put away.

Luca, who didn't sleep, was still curled up at the fireplace. As if she sensed winter waking up, she got up and started to prowl around the room to keep herself busy.

Winter threw off her blankets and stood up with much difficulty. Her knee joints made a popping noise and Winter cringed.

The first few steps were painful and awkward. Luckily, Luca was there to guide Winter to the kitchen which was unusually clean.

"What does he even eat?" She asked as she opened up the pantry. It's was just some flour, vegetables and other important necessaries. "Maybe I should cook something for him. What do you say, Luca?" She asked the wolf. "It's the best I can for him letting me stay."

Luca sat down in the corner and looked up at Winter.

"How about soup?" She turned around expecting the wolf to talk. "You're no fun," she said.

She knew the bare minimum of making soup. Cora had been reluctant to tech her anything about cooking believing that a princess wasn't meant to be in the kitchen but after days of asking, her resolve crumble and she taught winter how to make soup out of anything.

Winter threw off her cloak which smelled of the river and started to bring the vegetables. Luca fetched the firewood and placed in the fireplace hoping that the girl would do the work.

Mason was almost to his cabin, there was a light coming in from the kitchen indicating that Miss Winter was awake.

He opened the door to find it as it had been but this time the smell of freshly made stew wafted through the air.

"Miss Retniw?" He called out.

"In here," her voice called out from the kitchen.

Mason hung his cloak on a chair and walking into his tiny kitchen.

There stood the Princess scurrying about in her messy clothes, messy hair and bare feet in the kitchen. He didn't expect the Princess to look so......normal. Was she really her?

"Welcome back" she smiled sweetly.

"What are you doing?" He asked still dumbfounded.

"Well.....," she said. "I wanted to cook something for you. You did save my life and it's the least I can repay you."

"You didn't have to."

"Oh, hush," she said. "I already made it and there's nothing that you can do." She handed him a bowl of soup, steaming and fresh. He took a tentative taste of soup and it wasn't so bad. It could have used a little bit more salt but not bad.

"Not bad," he said. He didn't have the heart to mention the salt part to her. Lonan was right, he was going soft. What happened to the inner cut throat and bandit? "It's lovely."

Winter couldn't help but beam in joy. It was her first time making something for someone.

"So where did you go?" She asked.

The both of them sat in front of the fireplace having dinner. Luca curled up next to Winter, already accustomed to her presence.

"The Southern Village," he said between the mouthfuls.

"Anything interesting?" She asked out of curiosity. Winter stroked Luca's soft fur and the Wolf didn't object. Her tail wagged nearly spilling the soup.

Mason was hesitant but he wanted to see her reaction the news.

"Nothing much but I heard plenty of gossip," he waited. She hummed a response not paying attention to him. "Rumours going on about that Princess Winter is dead."

Winter stopped stroking Luca's causing the she wolf to lift its head.

"Oh," she managed.

"They said that she died by drowning in a frozen river. They found her body yesterday but......"

"But?" She asked, he tone flat.

"There's another rumour that the Princess is alive," he said.

Winter felt her stomach do a flip. The only thought that came into her mind was: 'he knows.'

She sighed. Perhaps it would be best to come out clean than have an awkward mess in the future. If he was one of Morgan's men, he would have finished the job and killed her by now. Since she was still breathing, she could trust him with a little information. If by little, you that you were the princess, then it will could be told. 

"Mason," she said turning towards him. "My name's not Cora-"

"I know. I figured that out."

"My names Winter and I'm the......" She took a breath. "I'm....."

"The Princess. I'm aware, your highness," he said. "But fear not. You are welcome to stay here. No harm will come to you, you have my word."

"What about Morgan's guards?"

"They can't cross over until the spring. You can stay with me until you decide you want to leave," he said ruffling her hair.

"Thank you, Mason." She said.

"Anytime, Princess."

"Don't call me that. Call me Winter. We're friends now."

Winter slept in the loft that night. It was warm and cozy and Winter liked it even though it was vastly different from her room.

Mason slept in his room, allowing the girl some space.

Luca was out in the woods prowling and protecting the cabin.

It was one of those much needed silent nights. The blizzard showed signs of passing but Mason thought about a much bigger storm coming to pass and he could help but worry about the Princess.

He was have been a former bandit and their but he had changed his ways.

The princess was weak, he had to admit that. Her charm and pretty face wouldn't get her anywhere in battle especially against that witch of a sister.

He knew how Princess Morgan was. He's seen her methods too many times, too many people were lost to her. Friends, family, and utter strangers lost their live in trying to defy the Witch.

He slipped out a black rose pendent which was left to him. The was slightly faded but it had the same message: Long live Queen Winter.

Perhaps he should train her but would it help.

'Poor little lass,' he thought as he watched the candle flicker out.

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