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-Seungcheol's pov-

I was going to tell Sumi my true feelings, but it's a bit early and that's okay. I needed her to know how much I liked her. I didn't say love because love is a very strong word.

Woozi helped me pick out a song. We chose 'Pretty' by Infinite H sunbaes. It fits perfectly about my feelings for Sumi. The past few days we've been spending a lot of time together. As time went by, my feelings for Sumi grew stronger.

It's my first time feeling like this. Since it was my first, I didn't know how to handle this. The thing that bothered me was she never called me oppa.

While deep in thought someone woke me up. We were taking a break and this person decides to bump into me. I looked to my side and saw a Sumi smiling at me. "Hi Cheollie." She whispered.

My heart skipped a beat and I smiled. "Hi baby." I replied. She blushed at the name, but didn't say anything. "Yah, why are you here?" I asked while fixing her hair.

She laid her head down on my lap and looked up at me. "I'm here to feed my hungry boys." She said causing the boys to run over to us. She pulled out lunch bags and gave each one of us a bag.

"Since I like baby Dino the most I'll give him his first." She said teasing the others. She handed everybody a bag and gave me mine last.

"Bwoh?! You like me the least?!" I asked and everyone laughed. She nodded and I pouted. "Fine, I'm not eating then."

I heard Sumi laugh then come closer to me. She leaned her chin on my shoulder, while wrapping her arms around my waist. Then she did something that shocked me. She pecked my cheek and said, "Oppa~will you eat please?"

I ended up smiling because she knows my weakness is her calling me oppa. "Yah that's no far!!! You know that's my weakness!" I said causing her to laugh. She let go and I pouted again.

"Yah, are you not eating?" I asked.

"Don't call me yah. And no I'm not eating. I only brought food for you guys to eat." She finished.

My eyes widen. Everyone in the room went quiet and looked at us. "You're not going to eat?" Hoshi asked. She shook her head and laughed. "It's fine guys. I'm already eating after all of you finish." She said. After saying that everyone ate fast so she could eat too.

Sumi turned and looked at me. I put the sandwich corner in my mouth and leaned closer to her. Her eyes widen as I got closer. "Sumi-ah, since you shared your breakfast with me last time, I'll share my lunch with you." I said and leaned in closer.

She quickly took a bite and pushed me away. "Aigoo babo. Don't you see other people are around?" She asked then lowered her head.

I laughed and all the members were disgusted. "Ew hyung, that's just...ew.." Wonwoo said.

"Baby~are you embarrassed?" I asked. The members cringed as I spoke. "Ya..yah, Seungcheol stop. I'll be going first, bye." She quickly said and stood up, then ran out. I dropped my food and followed her out.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close. I leaned my chin on her shoulder and said, "Mian, if I made you embarrassed. Forgive me?"

She turned around and hugged me back. "I forgive you. Just don't do that again." She said and punched my chest. "Aright, aright." I said and she stopped punching me. She then hugged me again.

"I think I'm starting to like someone." I said. She pulled away and looked at me in the eyes. "Choi Seungcheol, tell me who you like. Is it me?" She teased.

To tease her back I smiled and said, "Of course, nobody's better then my Baek Sumi." She smiled while pulling away. "Are you going to confess soon?" She asked.

"Yes I am. At Kcon I am going to." I replied.

Her eyes widen and she smiled. "That's tomorrow!" She exclaimed. She seemed so happy. Did she not know it was her? Does she like someone else?

"Yes, I'll be confessing tomorrow with a song. So I better go back and practice. Don't wait up for us. Now, one kiss before I leave." I said.

"Ani, you might fall for me more." She teased again.

"I've already fallen for you, babo. And please? Just one peck on the cheek?" I begged.

"Fine....but you have to do aegyo for me." She said. That wasn't hard, I'm the aegyo King.

"Baby, can I have one of your magical kisses? If I don't get a kiss, then I won't be able to practice. But your kiss will make me happy and I won't miss you too much." I said using my aegyo voice.

She laughed then pecked my cheek. "There Aegyo King. Now practice hard, and confess to that special girl tomorrow." She said.

"Aw...all that for just one kiss? Can't I have two?" I pouted.

My eyes widen as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Without knowing what to do I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. She leaned in and I watched her lips come closer to mine. I closed my eyes and felt her soft lips touch the corner of my lips. She pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"Now are you satisfied..oppa?" She called.

I smiled and held her tighter. "At least add my name before saying oppa." I said.

She smiled back and my heart started beating faster as she said, "Seungcheol oppa. Cheollie oppa. Babo oppa. Coups oppa. Which one sounds better?"

"I think I like...being called, Your oppa." I said.

She blushed then pecked my cheek again. "So from now on your my oppa?" She asked.

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