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-Sumi's pov-

Today was the day I was going to tell Seungcheol. I looked around and found Seungcheol still sleeping. Last night everyone went in their own rooms, while I went in Seungcheol's room. I smiled at his sleeping figure.

I wouldn't mind waking up to you everyday. I'm sorry I can't though. I hope you forgive me Seungcheol. I didn't mean for it to happen like this.

A tear escaped my eye. I quickly wiped it away and leaned closer to him. His arms wrapped around my waist even though his eyes were still closed. A smile plastered on my face. I tried waking him up, but he wouldn't budge.

I smiled while thinking of an idea. I pulled myself closer to him and planted a kiss on his neck. His eyes quickly shot open. My laugh caused him to wake up from his daze.

"Yah, Sumi! You're going to get punished now. Come here." He said while tightening his grip on my waist. I stopped laughing and he was now S.coups. He pulled me up to his level. He bit his lip and smirked.

My throat became dry and I gulped. "Seung...Seungcheol." I stuttered.

"It's S.coups." He answered while pinning me to the bed. My eyes widen as I felt him lean in. He planted a kiss on my forehead, then my cheek, then my neck. My eyes widen as I felt something wet on my neck. He released the kiss but it landed on my lips.

I didn't hesitate to reply back. My body was taking control. My hands crept up to his neck. I felt him lick my bottom lip asking for entrance. I didn't allow it for awhile. After awhile my lips slowly opened. I felt him smile and I knew it was Seungcheol again.

He pulled away while catching his breath. A smile plastered on his face. "Punishment over." He said and laid beside me, acting as if nothing happened.

I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I checked my neck and there I saw a hickey. "God damn Seungcheol, how am I supposed to cover this?" I whispered out loud. "You don't. I want others to know that you're mine." I heard him say from the doorway.

I glared at him before covering it with my hair. I pushed my way past him, but felt him grab my wrist. He yanked me back and pinned me against the wall.

"Seungcheol, get off of me." I said while avoiding eye contact.

"Why? Don't be mad." He said.

I pushed him off and stared into his eyes. "S.coups don't you see what you did?! How can I not be mad?! I can't go out with this on my neck!" I shouted.

"It's not S.coups..." He said while staring back into my eyes.

"Shut the hell up. It was S.coups who left this hickey on my neck, it was S.coups who I woke up to." I said and walked away. Once again my wrist was pulled. Instead of being pinned, I was in his arms.

"I'm sorry. Whenever I'm around you, S.coups tries to come out! I have to pull him back and keep Seungcheol on. It's make me feel like I've never felt before. I feel like if I don't let S.coups out every once in awhile then I feel like I'm losing you. With you by my side I just want to kiss your lips and make sure you're always going to belong to me. I'm sorry Sumi. If you want to leave me because of what I did...I'll let you." He finished while releasing his grip.

"So are you saying you'll be okay if I broke up with you?" I asked while controlling my voice from cracking. He avoided eye contact and just nodded. "Well then...I guess this is goodbye Choi Seungcheol. I hope you find someone who will act more mature then me. Please treat her right and make sure S.coups doesn't come out." I said then walked out.

I found Hoshi in the kitchen. "Sumi, where are you going?" He asked.

"We broke up, so I guess I'll just see you guys at the dance." I replied while putting my shoes on. I wiped the tears that were falling. I heard his footsteps coming closer to me. Right now I didn't want to be in anyone's arms or hear their pity.

I opened the door and ran out. I ran to my house and locked myself in my house. My tears fell uncontrollably, only I could hear the silent cries. How could he just say it that easily?! How can he just say he wanted to break up?! Oh god...I guess it makes it easier that I can leave without telling him. I wiped my tears but then got a message from him.

From Seungcheol: I'm sorry Sumi. Please comeback to me...I don't want to see you hurt. Hoshi told me, and it made me feel worse. I'm sorry..."

To Seungcheol: I don't want your pity. Go away and never call or text me again.

I turned my phone off and ran up to my room. I cried in my pillow and fell asleep.


I woke up to the ringing of the doorbell and the sound of pounding on the door. I went down and looked in the door hole. (You guys know what I'm talking about right?)

My eyes started to tear up again. I couldn't face him right now. His eyes were red and puffy. I wanted to open the door and be in his arms, but I knew I couldn't. It would hurt too much, and I'd be stupid again to let him in my life.

I watched as he turned around.

Don't go...please comeback.

He looked back once again before finally leaving.

Goodbye Seungcheol. I'm sorry it had to happen like this. I don't know my feelings towards you anymore. I only know..I love you Seungcheol.

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