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Now Playing... Wherever You Are

    There are some moments in life that you wish you could hold in your hands forever. You grasped as tightly to them as you could, praying that they would never leave, never fade, but moments inevitably slip from your grip, and as much as you wish they didn't, it was just the bitter truth life made you face. Sometimes, those moments led to even better moments, but others only led you to a future you never wanted to face, even though you knew it was possible.

That was how it felt knowing Wes was leaving.

The next morning, Wes' arms were wrapped around me, and when I glanced at him, he had the faintest smile on his lips. I snuggled closer to him, trying to mold the feeling in my mind. His eyes fluttered open, and he smiled softly at me.

"Today's the day."

I buried my head in his chest. "Don't remind me."

"I still have to finish packing..." He mumbled, looking away. "Can you help me?"

I silently stood, looking away from him as he stood and led the way to his room. A suitcase, clothes, and shoes were sprawled across his bed, and even though I knew we had a couple hours left together, just the sight of seeing his stuff like that made me want to break down. I busied myself folding his clothes and placing them in the suitcase, while he grabbed a couple other things he was taking with him. Once we were both finished, he helped me zip the suitcase, and then he changed into different clothes while I focused on the picture of us sitting on his dresser. We had finally found each other again, and just like that, we were being ripped apart.

While he was checking everything he needed to take with him, I grabbed his hoodie from my room and slipped it on, breathing in his lingering scent.

"Stealing my hoodie?" He questioned, and when I turned around, he was leaning against my door frame, smirking at me.

I shrugged. "It's comfy."

He chuckled, picking up his suitcase, and the two of us walked downstairs. Mom, dad, and Nova were standing by the front door, and Wes smiled at them.

"We'll see you in two years." Dad said, shaking his hand. "Don't do anything too stupid in London."

Wes chuckled, pulling my dad in for a hug, and then he hugged my mom. She smiled. "I'm proud of you, Wes, and I know your parents are too. But hurry back, I won't know how to act without you in my house again."

"Don't worry, I'll be back to entertain more." Wes smirked, and then he picked up Nova, holding her tightly against him. Tears streamed down her face, and a lump formed in my throat as Nova wrapped her little arms tightly around his neck.

"Don't go, Wessy." She cried, and Wes closed his eyes, pressing her head on his shoulder. That was the Wes I missed. The one who truly loved everyone in his life and wasn't afraid to show it.

"I'll be back before you know it, Nova. Besides, Molly is here, and she'll need you."

Nova pouted, holding Wes' face in her hands. "I love you, Wessy."

He smiled sadly. "I love you too, Nova."

Wes placed her on her feet, and then he said goodbye one more time before we walked to the car. He drove to the airport, and once we were inside, we went to the floor where his flight was boarding and sat in the chairs, waiting for the time he would leave.

"So," I glanced at him, "Two years in London?"

Wes chuckled, glancing around the airport as people bustled around. "I guess so."

Across from us, two kids and a woman stood in front of a man who was dressed in a business suit. The kids wrapped their arms around the man's neck, and he placed a kiss on both of their cheeks. Then, he hugged the woman tightly, and she buried her face in his shoulder, trying to hold him as tightly as she could. Once they pulled away, he pressed a long kiss against her lips, and then he caressed her cheek before grabbing his bag and walking into the boarding hall. My heart ached for the family. We weren't watching the same people leave, but somehow, I knew we felt the same type of pain.

"What are you doing at this school?" I questioned, trying to distract myself from the inevitable end, and he pulled out a booklet, handing it to me. It was titled, London Academy: Being An Honor Student.

"Didn't you know, Molls? I'm a top student. Who wouldn't want me?" He smirked, leaning back cooly, and I rolled my eyes, smacking him playfully with the booklet. "I'm just kidding. They're going to help me get higher grades so when I come back, I can get into a good university."

"Flight 108 to London..."

Wes sighed, and we stood, facing each other. He grabbed my chin, smiling sadly. "Take care of Nova for me, alright?"

I nodded, leaning my head against his shoulder. "I will. I just... I wish you weren't leaving for so long."

"I'll come back, Molls. Everything thing I love is here."

"Will we still be best friends?" I glanced up at him. "Even when you come back?"

He caressed my cheek. "Of course. You'll always be my best friend, no matter where I am."

"Flight 108 to London is ready to board..."

Wes wrapped his arms around my waist, and I buried my head in his chest, holding him tightly. He sighed, kissing my forehead. Once we pulled away, a tear slipped out of my eye, and Wes wiped it away, smiling softly at me. His fingers gently grabbed my wrist, pulling the sleeve of his hoodie up, as his thumb brushed over my scars. He pressed a soft kiss against them. "Promise me you be gentle with yourself while I'm gone."

I mustered up a smile, wrapping my arms around his neck again. "I promise."

When we pulled away again, he pressed lingering against my cheek, holding my hand in his. "Goodbye for now, Molls."

Wes grabbed his bags and walked to the entrance of the boarding hall. He glanced over his shoulder at me before disappearing down the hall, and tears trickled down my cheeks as I gripped the sleeves of his hoodie tightly and finally stood in the airport alone. "Goodbye, Wes."

To be continued... 

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