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Now Playing... Scream

    I was nowhere near ready to face the wrath of my parents when they saw my... dilemma on my neck. Damn Wes. He knew I would get in trouble, and he would do just about anything to ruin my life more than he already had.

When I walked down to the kitchen, I was not surprised to see Wes sitting at the table with mom, smirking at me as I walked in. It was almost like he was trying to feign innocence, the way he sat with his hands clasped together, resting them on top of the table, and I imagine he thought there was a shiny gold halo hovering above his head, but the only thing I saw was two crimson red horns sticking out from his gorgeously messy hair.

"Good morning, honey." Mom greeted as I awkwardly smiled at her before I walked to the fridge to grab a water bottle. I sat at the table across from Wes.

Taking a sip of water, I didn't dare to meet her eyes. "Morning, mom."

And then, without missing a beat, "Care to explain that hickey, Molly?"

Dead silence. Nobody spoke a single word, but Wes kept smirking, and I swore it grew bigger as the seconds ticked by. Mom wouldn't stop staring into my soul, as if that would help her find all the answers. Out of everyone sitting at that table, I was most grateful for David, who continued sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Don't have an explanation?" She pushed, still staring into the depths of my soul, and I looked down at my hands, patiently waiting for my death. Anything would have been better than being thoroughly examined by my mother. "Fine. I'm very disappointed in you, Molly, and you are grounded until further notice. You know better!"

I couldn't even look at her. Not just from embarrassment, but because I knew as soon as I did, it would give Wes more motivation to ruin my life. It wasn't even my fault, yet I was getting all the blame. Why I couldn't find it in me to tell her that Wes was the one who did it, and that I didn't want it was beyond me. All the while, I could still feel Wes' smirk lingering on his stupidly attractive face.

"Your punishment is going to be staying home for two weeks unless you have dance, and next week when you return to school, you're going to help Wes with whatever he needs or asks for."

My head immediately snapped up, my eyes growing wide. "But, mom--"

"No buts! You let this happen, and now you're going to face the consequences!" Mom glared at me before looking at her phone. I took that time to glare at Wes. He winked, blowing me a kiss, and I swore I almost jumped over and wrapped my hands around his throat. Mom looked back up from her phone, and I grimaced. "I have to go into work. Wes, while we are gone, make sure Molly stays under control."

My jaw dropped in disbelief, and Wes' smirk grew to its fullest capacity. "Of course, Stacy. I'll make sure she behaves."

Mom shot Wes a thankful grin, and I rolled my eyes. After mom and David left, Wes busted out laughing to the point where he was holding his stomach from laughing so hard. I continued glaring at him, my arms crossed over my chest.

"You done?"

"That was definitely worth sucking a neck."

"Screw you."

Wes laughed harder, until he finally sobered up and fake pouted at me. "Aw, did I strike a nerve? Is little Molly upset?"

I glanced around the room, looking for something to throw at him, when my eyes caught sight of my math textbook. I grabbed it, throwing it right at his head, and it smacked him right in the face, falling to the floor with a loud thump. Wes held his head, glaring at me as he stood.

"The hell!? Did you just throw a textbook at me!?" He growled, glaring at me, and I shrugged, smiling smugly. Wes' jaw ticked as he stomped out of the room like a five-year old, and I busted out laughing. I should have been worried, because I knew he would hurt me for hurting him, but I didn't really think about the consequences then. All I knew was I was tired of him getting the upper hand, and for once, I was ahead.

Walking into the living room, I grabbed my blanket, turned on a movie, and fell into a deep sleep, but not for long. When I awoke, the TV was off, which was weird because I knew I had it on. It was pitch black in the house, and not a single light was on. The only normal thing was the blanket that was still covering my body.

Well, until it was pulled off of me.

I glanced around, not seeing anyone in the pitch black, but I could feel someone's presence. My blanket was lying beside the couch, but no one was standing there either. Time passed slowly. I stayed hidden in the darkness, curling into the couch as much as I could, feeling every beat of my heart throbbing in my ears. I was scared, holding my breath as much as I could to not be heard. Grabbing my blanket at the speed of light, I wrapped it around me again, sitting in the silence for a couple more seconds. The blanket was ripped off of me again, and I buried my head in my hands, tears brimming my eyes. Everything was silent until someone started snickering from behind me, and I nearly passed out on the spot.

"Get the hell out of my house, whatever the hell you are!" I screamed, sobs pouring from my mouth, and I curled up more. I was almost dead set that it was ghosts, or even Satan himself, until I heard a familiar, obnoxious laugh from behind me.

"Oh my God, that was the best thing ever!" Wes emerged from the darkness, collapsing on the couch as he continued laughing. "You should have seen your face!"

"You are such a jerk! I really do hate you." I hissed, pulling my knees to my chest, and Wes' laughed resided as he sat up. Wes leaned back against the couch, staring at me as if he was trying to figure something out.

"Are you actually still scared of those kind of things?" He asked, but I ignored him, attempting to move away.

"Why are the lights still off? You succeeded in your mission."

"Well, that's the thing..." He started, rubbing the back of his neck. "While you were asleep, I was thinking of ways for paybacks, but then the power went out. This was my last resort."

I sighed, leaning down to pick up my blanket and wrap it back around me. "Of course it is. That's just my luck."

"I can't believe you're still scared of that stuff. I knew you were stupid in ways, but not that stupid. I at least assumed you had some common sense."

"Shut up." I hissed. "It's none of your business anyway."

He sarcastically chuckled, moving closer to me until I could feel the contact of our skin as his arm moved to wrap around my shoulder. "But it is my business now. I live here too, and I'll do everything possible to make your life a living hell."

"You've done that enough, don't you think?"

He chuckled again, letting his lips brush against my ear as he whispered, "Not enough for my liking, sweetheart."

"You disgust me."

"Hey," He whispered, pressing a feathery kiss against the soft spot behind my ear. "Don't hate the player, baby doll, because the game is just as bad." 

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