Chapter Twelve: ~Modern Love~

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There's no sign of life. It's just the power to charm.


Thankfully, and much to my surprise, the situation outside the hotel has drastically changed since last night. This time there are no hungry photographers hovering around, which leaves the sidewalk deserted enough for me to see them.

Lea leans closer to him, standing on the tip of her toes to leave a small kiss on his cheek.

I notice that he is as tall as I am, maybe just half an inch taller. He has curly hair, again, like me; but considerably shorter. He is a good looking son of a gun.


He hugs her briefly, with a wide smile on his face, and they finally turn around and begin to walk in the opposite direction from me.

Thank god for that, because it would have been fairly awkward if they'd had to pass by me.

I stand still for a few seconds, watching them as they cross the street, and I can't help but grin at the fact that they are not holding hands but walking rather distantly from each other.

I know it's their first date - I figured that much this morning when she said she wouldn't know how special it'd be -, so I guess that's not actually a sign of anything in particular.

But I know that if it were me taking her on our first date, I would at least try to hold her hand. And I would definitely make sure she's walking closely by my side.

"I told you it was him!"

A stifled squeal, followed by a gentle tug on my sleeve, makes me look away from Lea, who is already so far away I can barely distinguish the red of her coat.

My eyes go straight to where the timid giggles are coming from, and I find three girls looking at me eagerly.

"I'm sorry, Harry?" One of them asks.

She is shorter than the other two, and she has this tiny frame which would easily lead you to believe she's the youngest and shiest of the group, yet she seems to be the only one able to speak up.

I know she's just asking me that out of politeness, since the cellphone in her hands is already set up to take a picture. I nod, smiling and saying hello to them. Slowly, the other two begin to react, and I just spread my arms open to give them a hug.

"Would you mind taking a picture with us?" The same girl asks, showing me her phone.

"Sure, let me!"

I offer to take the picture myself, since my arms are considerably longer than hers and that way I can make sure we all four fit in the screen.

I see all of our faces lighten up with big smiles and I press the side button to snap the picture.

"There you go!" I say, handing her back her phone. "Is that alright?"

The three girls rush to look at the screen, and they all nod energetically.

"It's perfect, Harry. Thank you so much!" This time, the taller one does the talking.

A gust of wind comes out of nowhere, blowing my hair all the way to my face, blinding me temporarily.

"No problem... Have a good night." I say, running my fingers through my hair, pushing it away from my eyes.

"You, too! We love you!" They beam almost in perfect sync, and I hug them again, saying I love you, too.

As soon as I find myself alone in the street I step down the sidewalk and I stretch my arm to stop the taxi that's coming down the avenue.

Before I jump on it I take a quick look to where I last saw her, even knowing that I won't be able to spot her anymore. I shake my head and I slide in the backseat saying my destination out loud, immediately telling myself what a bad, bad idea this is. And although I can't ignore how twisted is the fact that I am making my way over to her apartment whilst constantly thinking about Lea and her date, I still close the cab door with unusual resolution signaling the driver to take off.

Where Your Heart Is (A Harry Styles Fanfiction) #pfcc2k16 #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now