Chapter Thirty-One: Coming Down.

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I've got a lover and I'm unforgiven. I'm such a fool to pay this price.


March 22nd, 2015

I have never been the paranoid type. I am not one of those people who over analyze the other person's behavior, always getting to the worse conclusion imaginable.

So whenever I get the feeling that something is wrong or not entirely right, I'm usually correct.

He changed. Something inside of him switched all of a sudden and he's been acting really weird. I don't know exactly when it happened, but it definitely did.

The drive back to the city is quiet and longer than expected - or maybe it just feels like that -, and all the while he keeps his face practically glued to his phone as he types rapidly and frowns whenever he gets a message.

I don't ask him about it because I have done that a million times already, and all I seem to get from him are monosyllabic responses or gestures that everything is just fine.

"You're not coming up?" I ask him confused while he helps me carrying my bag to my doorstep, and I notice he never unloaded his. "I thought you were going to crash here tonight since Jasper is not home."

He gets the building door open for me, and once he's sure that I am all set, he reaches for his cellphone and gives it another serious look.

"I know... I want to." He explains to me although barely giving me a second look. "But something came up with the lads at the hotel and I have to be there."

I scratch my head in bewilderment, dropping the bag to the floor.

"What is it? Maybe I can help." I say. And his face finally turns towards me, paying me his full attention for the first time in hours.

"No!" He responds sharply, but he manages to soften up before speaking again. "It's something personal, Le. Just get some sleep and we'll talk tomorrow."

And just like that, without even trying to kiss me goodbye, he jumps back in the car and disappears around the corner.

Oh, yes. Personal my ass. Something is definitely going on here and it reeks trouble.

When I wake up the next morning I don't even take the time to have some breakfast and I go straight to the hotel.

I haven't slept much but I'm hardly tired. There is this weird mix of adrenaline and uncertainty pumping through my veins, which has kept my eyes open and my mind racing most of the night.

All night long I have been going through every second of our otherwise perfect weekend until the moment his mood shifted and took a dive.

One moment we were goofing around and kissing on the beach, and the next it was all silence and furrowed brows. I know something happened to him right then, but even though my brain almost turned into mush while trying to figure out the reason why, I just couldn't do it.

"Good morning." I say to the guy sitting on my chair. And he looks at me confused. "Don't get too excited, I'm way too early."

I decided to skip school this morning. I know I will pay for that with a long speech from Professor Morris next week, but I just couldn't set my mind on anything other than talk to Harry. He is leaving in less than a week and having him pouting around is not how I intend to spend the last days we have together.

My shift predecessor smiles at me faintly and greets me back before I make my way to the service elevators. But I don't go to the locker room to get change just yet.

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