Part 2: Heavy Rope

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"Don't let me tumble away
Into the throws of the shadowy bay
I cling to the rock
As it's crumbling off
Toss me a heavy rope
It's a slippery slope
Come bail me out of this God forsaken precipice" - Heavy Rope by Lights

Imprisonment didn't suit Isaac and it never had, not when he was locked in the dreaded freezer, not when he stayed in the holding cell when the sheriff thought he murdered his dad and not now imprisoned by Deucallion with Scott. Sure he didn't mind being with Scott, that's what had made this adventure bearable- being together but it was the dark and the close walls and the dampness in the air that clung to him like he was being smothered by a blanket reminded him too much of his past life. Sometimes he had had nightmares in the cell the two betas shared, nightmares that he was being told to get in the freezer again, nightmares of the first time his father asked him to get the chains. Then he would wake up in the cell, in the darkness and wonder if he ever woke up at all. Nightmares like this sent Isaac on edge and made him have violent fits in his sleep. The concern Scott bore for him constantly creased his brow and wondered how he could ever comfort someone so damaged. For Isaac it was the little things that helped, any sign of affection, Scott being pleased with him there or just listening to him and agreeing with his opinions. The first time Scott heard Isaac crying in his sleep he didn't know what to do, he had been a little shocked actually. Then he heard Isaac murmur a couple of words over and over they contained the words "no" "freezer" "sorry" and that's when Scott found he could piece it together. His instinct was to wake Isaac up and he had tried but Isaac had only gripped Scott's arm in a death grip and started shaking. The sympathy Scott held for Isaac was unbearable, he couldn't ever imagine going through something as traumatic as that. When he still had failed at waking Isaac he decided to do the only thing he had left, stop waking him up and just be there for him when he woke up. 

It was awkward and Scott's arm had gone numb at some point in the night but Isaac was silently grateful when he finally awoke from his night terror and Scott was right there, wide awake with him. Scott had awoken when the trembling had stopped. Isaac lay on the floor of the cell and he could smell the beads of sweat and the waves of fear rolling off him. When Isaac first woke up he thought he was still in the freezer but after learning he was clutching on to Scott's arm that became impossible and he breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't have to see Scott's face to know that he was awake. 

"Did you see...? Did you hear?" Isaac asked timidly sitting up on his own. 

Scott nodded before realising Isaac couldn't see this movement. "Yeah, I tried waking you but that was... difficult." 

"Oh." Isaac said, he wasn't comfortable with Scott having to comfort him during his nightmares. He was seventeen, seventeen year olds don't get frightened by night terrors. 

Scott didn't feel comfortable talking with Isaac about Isaac's life if he didn't want to and he sensed that he wasn't really comfortable about talking about it, so Scott left it alone and went back to resting his head on the cold floor. 

"Are we going to die here Isaac?" Scott mused, though he felt in the joking mood. Being in here too long had made him a bit stir crazy. 

Isaac sighed before deciding Scott's question wasn't rhetorical. "Perhaps, almost like school really, I don't mind." 

Isaac was happy to avoid the subject of his nightmares. Scott laughed agreeing with his statement. The door to their cell opened slightly then and both boys had to shield their eyes from the natural light. Deucallion opened it more and strode through, as happy as ever. 

"Hello boys, having fun?" 

"Undoubtedly." Replied Isaac not missing a beat. 

"Oh I know you are Isaac. Does Derek know about you two or should we keep that our little secret?" Deucallion said feeling witty with the upper hand. 

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